Saranghae 2024년 8월 23일 오후 6시 12분
Fix : Linux Steam Vulkan Shader processing takes forever every time
I finally found a fix to this thanks to another user because gaming on linux was unplayable to me because it took forever for the shaders to process everytime i started a game.

Original Credit/Comment by : Archlinux wiki

Reference: Bullet point 5:11"

>Open your File Manager, if you are new to Linux you can just open a terminal and type Dolphin, Thunar, Nemo whatever your file manager is.
>Press Ctrl+H to see hidden files.
Go to

.local/share/steam  (Here you should see other folders like appcache, bin, clientui, compatibilitytools.d, config etc

If you use a flatpak version

go to .var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/data/Steam

> Create a file called steam_dev.cfg
> Open the file with any text editor and add

unShaderBackgroundProcessingThreads X

where X is the number of cores for your cpu if you have hyperthreading
For example if you are using i9,13900k your threads is 32.
If you are using Ryzen 5 4600 you have 12 threads.

"Faster shader pre-compilation
In certain circumstances shader pre-compilation may only use one core, however this can be overridden by the user, example to use 8 cores:

unShaderBackgroundProcessingThreads 8
Saranghae 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2024년 10월 22일 오전 10시 50분
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7개 댓글 중 1-7개 표시
Doogrok 2024년 9월 9일 오전 8시 20분 
Ty so much for this! It works well speeding up the process alot. Also if your like me with an i7 intel processor you have 8 threads.
Lekzen01 2024년 9월 29일 오전 7시 19분 
Can someone give an explanation on why it is actually working well ?
Iceira 2024년 9월 29일 오전 7시 35분 
Lekzen01님이 먼저 게시:
Can someone give an explanation on why it is actually working well ?

Who said game can ID hes board and cpu information, also rasie the question is pc even update.
and sense its a linux OS they dont fix lack of update from all board product support, aient it just like windows here.

I doubt OS support will see it as its them as support to fix all linux own board information.
and linux user are famous for not be a gamer pc, if you compare them with Linux server.
they only update if needed not for performance. ( they only do it if they notice a bug. )
and this is a bug , then game cant ID hes pc. ( aka cpu with its threds )

i call it linux users that has no clue in who to contact with board issue.
i can also say its not a steam issue or game issue.

aient this is a board linux driver issue.
and in top of this Vulkan Shader is gpu releated that take info from board chipset driver.
GPU is not going to fix CPU chipset driver information.
this menas not a GPU driver issue to fix wrong cpu informations.

Just wait to OP figure out its all games that need this fix, untill he get it board crap up chipset Drivers in what CPU core and threds he has.

he should have ask own steam linux group and hope there is a linux master that can ssee though all them hotfixes steam linux users keep at steam.

in my book steam linux user has drop the marbles and know nothing anymore.
( those steam unix/linux user i meet 20 years ago, will know all this.

Iceira 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2024년 9월 29일 오전 7시 50분
Saranghae 2024년 10월 8일 오후 8시 59분 
Lekzen01님이 먼저 게시:
Can someone give an explanation on why it is actually working well ?
Faster shader pre-compilation
In certain circumstances shader pre-compilation may only use one core, however this can be overridden by the user, example to use 8 cores:

unShaderBackgroundProcessingThreads 8

Reference: Number 5:11
Iceira 2024년 10월 8일 오후 11시 55분 
Saranghae님이 먼저 게시:
Lekzen01님이 먼저 게시:
Can someone give an explanation on why it is actually working well ?
Faster shader pre-compilation
In certain circumstances shader pre-compilation may only use one core, however this can be overridden by the user, example to use 8 cores:

unShaderBackgroundProcessingThreads 8

Reference: Number 5:11

Lets try again game ders do not set your cores and thresd's its information from your system set by you board support its BIOS and Chipset drives, that do this.

And sense you had to edit this, thats mean many other app outside steam will also suffer from this. ( technicaly your problem is not a steam problem, you can find many AMD past user that edit this, and we also told them, its AMD issue with the board.

Most of the time it's users own problem for not updating or have right BIOS setup or they dont update BIOS or its Drivers, and its still your board supports problem with the problem.

And bbe happy someone botrher tell you this, so all steam user dont have to manual do this every time they reset OS.

and be happy steam moderator even allow you to do it, they wrong way seen many ppl that do what you do, and most normal ppl will not do or fiddle with such. you need to be a experts to even know or edit such, and somehow you lack insight in who this problem is.

To be rude thats actual your problem, for not contact own board support. with your core & thread issue. ( in top of this i dare say Linux user today there think they know what they are doing, linux user aien't that good anymore, sense you dont know who has product support. )

Your way in doing this , mean all have to do a edit themself. ( this is the wrong way ) board support job to get it right first time..

we can all say here steam dont not make your GPU drivers
so how come you think board issue is or ppl post about core & thread's issue is.

there is a reason why i and other say this. ( just wait to a steam users get it wrong or screw this up then they forget manual edit.)

then this will backfire at your post.

Technicaly this can cost any user that cant get it to work and have real technician, and you did not follow standard procedur in how things work. ( this is fact, if you forget you did this someday )
Iceira 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2024년 10월 9일 오전 12시 46분
Iceira 2024년 10월 22일 오전 12시 54분 
It's says it all, then you dont know who has product support on vulkan drivers.

it's not steam, its not game devs, and not steam users.
Iceira 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2024년 10월 22일 오전 1시 14분
Saranghae 2024년 10월 22일 오전 10시 48분 
Iceira님이 먼저 게시:
It's says it all, then you dont know who has product support on vulkan drivers.

it's not steam, its not game devs, and not steam users.

Yes you definitely should take your concern to Arch forum and ask about their philosophy and non-contribution to linux.
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