Anyone else optimistically excited for "The Last of Us™ Part II Remastered"?
I have to just say this as a hot take right now but:
It had terribad story that if you take the new game + mechanic as cannon (which is arguably true due to multiple clashing timelines) that it is an endless cycle of vengeance begetting vengeance.

It is STILL a very fun game with very fun gameplay. I mean, you get an silenced freaking assault rifle for Ellie, and an flamethrower for Abby.
One trivializes stealth by keeping you easily concealed (and rightfully so, it's an end game reward), the other trivializes cordiceps zombie ambushes (and once again, rightfully so, it's a end game reward).

Personally for me? Can't wait to see how WEMOD can glitch the game out and push it to its limits.
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Crazy Tiger For 20 timer siden 
Personally? I dropped part 1 before the halfway point out of sheer boredom, I certainly won't play part 2.
Ogami For 20 timer siden 
Depends if the PC port is a total mess like the first game.
Pierce Dalton For 20 timer siden 
Yes, I always wanted to see a port of that game.
Oprindeligt skrevet af sggaghghwaghwghwgh:
I have to just say this as a hot take right now but:
It had terribad story that if you take the new game + mechanic as cannon (which is arguably true due to multiple clashing timelines) that it is an endless cycle of vengeance begetting vengeance.

It is STILL a very fun game with very fun gameplay. I mean, you get an silenced freaking assault rifle for Ellie, and an flamethrower for Abby.
One trivializes stealth by keeping you easily concealed (and rightfully so, it's an end game reward), the other trivializes cordiceps zombie ambushes (and once again, rightfully so, it's a end game reward).

Personally for me? Can't wait to see how WEMOD can glitch the game out and push it to its limits.
I've never played The Last of Us Part II before, but I am willing to give it a try after years of refusing to play it. Though, I'm not exactly optimistic about the PC port, especially since the disastrous launch of the first game's Steam version. Nearly every time a PlayStation-exclusive gets ported to personal computers, the result is a mess. So, if I do play TLOU2, I'll certainly not be playing it on PC.
Mailer For 17 timer siden 
I'm always a fan of more console-exclusive games coming to PC. Personally I didn't think anything was that wrong with either of the original games as they were, so the visual improvement part of things with these remasters weren't really necessary imo.

I think it will be a while longer before I pick any of the games up for PC though, perhaps eventually as a bundle with both parts discounted in one, but only because I have at one point watched playthroughs of both games and want to rinse my decaying memory a bit before I dive into them myself.

The original game had a few pretty funny bugs that I have seen, so it was plenty enjoyable to watch. Outside of releasing the same game multiple times now, I never really understood any of the discourse that eventually came up: (Skip to 11:40)
Sidst redigeret af Mailer; For 17 timer siden
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