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megalomanium  [developer] 16 Jul, 2021 @ 3:23pm
Welcome to the SkateBIRD steam discussion forum!

🐦🛹 Rulez for Cool Birds 🐦🛹
1) No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, basically anything that makes fun of or harms the marginalized. SkateBIRD is about love and doing your best!
2) Don't promote piracy - you have your reasons, whatevs, just don't bring it to our attention ok?
3) Keep threads on topic. For general chat and/or questions not covered here that you'd rather ask in a discussion setting, come check out the Discord[].
4) Moderators have final say (and devs have finaler say). Please don't double down on your position if a moderator asks you to stop!
5) Intentionally toeing the line of the rules is a no-no.
6) Overall, be chill! Be kind and respectful to each other. Don't say anything you wouldn't want to teach Skatebirb.
Last edited by megalomanium; 20 Nov, 2021 @ 3:01pm
Date Posted: 16 Jul, 2021 @ 3:23pm
Posts: 0