Resident Evil 2

Resident Evil 2

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TheRat62 12 Jan, 2020 @ 9:25am
You can run through the entire game
Without firing a single shot.... on Hardcore mode...

You can easiily run past most of the zombies but even if you do get bit as soon as theyre done biting you you'll be able to just keep on trucking and theres more than enough herbs to heal you anytime you do get the odd bite

and this is on the hardest mode. You shouldn't be able to just run right past 90% of the enemies. There were moments in OG RE2 where you could run past zombies but there were also moments where you had to clear them out in order to complete you objective or you had to clear paths that had zombies in them because you knew you'd be using that path frequently and they'd always be in the way.

But if you just tried to run past eerything in the OG eventually you would die.

In this new game there's literally no challenge the zombies are too useless to grab you when you run past them.

I just watched a stream where the guy literally runs the entire game on hardcore doesn't even come close to breaking a sweat.

I think it's safe to say Crapcom rushed this game.
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KayJay 12 Jan, 2020 @ 9:35am 
This is possible in almost all games, even maximazing your level in an MMORPG without ever having to pull out a single attack. Even in Call of Duty Campaigns this is possible.
It is called pacifist run. They have their own speedrun category.
TheRat62 12 Jan, 2020 @ 9:47am 
Originally posted by KayJay:
This is possible in almost all games, even maximazing your level in an MMORPG without ever having to pull out a single attack. Even in Call of Duty Campaigns this is possible.
It is called pacifist run. They have their own speedrun category.

I don't know there are a lot of games that force you to kll the enemies in order to move on.

I understand even in the original Resident Evil 2 you can run past many if not all of the enemies. But doing that kind of a ballsy playthrough in the original RE takes a lot more skill than it does in this game.

I was finally gonna get around to trying this game but I just watched two videos from two separate youtubers that turned me right off from playing it.

One of them literally just runs right past 95% of the enemies and gets the odd bite here and there to which he'll just end up using a herb to heal himself when it happens (which it rarely does) not a single shot fired and dodging the zombies doesn't take any skill like you literally just run right by them without even having to try to avoid them or anythng almost as if they aren't even there.

Then the other guy I watch anytime he sees a zombie he just shoots them once which causes them to stagger and then he runs past them.

In the original RE you could stagger an enemy after about 3-5 bullets and run past them but you had to be quick or else they'd regain their composure and grab ya!

In this game, literally every single shot you do puts them in a stagger animation that can be exploited. You shoot them once then you can literally charge right past them.

If you shot a zombie once in the og RE2 and then tried to run past them it would be an instant grab and bite. Unless it was in a wide open area.

Like honestly what is even the point of including weapons and an over the shoulder combat system/ammo pick ups if theres literally no need for any of it to actually get through the police station???

This game it doesn't even matter whether its close quarters or not. If you shoot them once... you're good to go!

I'm not trying to troll here but I wish Capcom wouldn't overlook these gamebreaking moments that kill all tension and ruin the survival horror aspect of the game.

It's like they slapped the game teogher as quick as possible .... made sure the game looked pretty and then said "good enough" without putting any thought or effort into making sure they made the game challenging at all.
Last edited by TheRat62; 12 Jan, 2020 @ 9:48am
Figuring out their patterns and perfecting your timing is anything but easy, especially in this Remake. And the example you provided is not that of an average player, it's someone who studied the game inside out, of course they won't break a sweat, it's the same in almost every classic Resident Evil iteration, especially OG RE from 1996 and its remake from 2002. Besides, speaking as a RE vet, it's safe to say OG RE2 was one of the easiest in the entire series, even on the PC / Dreamcast-exclusive Hard mode, no idea why they took it out of the PS1 / N64 / GC versions, I didn't need to try the first time I played it, the game showered me with more than enough supplies.

It doesn't appear the case here, I just recently got into this remake and it's a great step up in difficulty where you actually need to think, the amount of enemies is overwhelming and the ammo is scarce, it's simply beautiful. Of course I won't be intimidated by all that once I have the entire layout in my head (again, that applies to all the prior classics, it's just how it works), but it won't stop me from trying something else, such as getting the highest ranking. So yeah, rushed it is clearly not, but judging by all the news I've seen regarding the upcoming RE3 remake, which is my favorite OG entry....yeah, that's another story.

KayJay 12 Jan, 2020 @ 9:53am 
OP You miss that that's not how anyone ever played in their first playthrough.
Your first playthrough will never be even close to how speedrunners play through the game.

Just my opinion but I personally wouldn't even watch playthroughs longer than for a few seconds (if even) when I'm interested in a new game to play since all it does is spoil you.
Last edited by KayJay; 12 Jan, 2020 @ 9:54am
idk 12 Jan, 2020 @ 10:03am 
So do you look up speed runs of games you're about to buy and base the average player experience on that?
TheRat62 12 Jan, 2020 @ 10:07am 
Figuring out their patterns and perfecting your timing is anything but easy, especially in this Remake. And the example you provided is not that of an average player, it's someone who studied the game inside out, of course they won't break a sweat, it's the same in almost every classic Resident Evil iteration, especially OG RE from 1996 and its remake from 2002. Besides, speaking as a RE vet, it's safe to say OG RE2 was one of the easiest in the entire series, even on the PC / Dreamcast-exclusive Hard mode, no idea why they took it out of the PS1 / N64 / GC versions, I didn't need to try the first time I played it, the game showered me with more than enough supplies.

It doesn't appear the case here, I just recently got into this remake and it's a great step up in difficulty where you actually need to think, the amount of enemies is overwhelming and the ammo is scarce, it's simply beautiful. Of course I won't be intimidated by all that once I have the entire layout in my head (again, that applies to all the prior classics, it's just how it works), but it won't stop me from trying something else, such as getting the highest ranking. So yeah, rushed it is clearly not, but judging by all the news I've seen regarding the upcoming RE3 remake, which is my favorite OG entry....yeah, that's another story.

Dude I saw the guys playthrough. There was nothing special about what he was doing. If you shoot an enemy once it staggers them long enough to run past them each and every time.

There's literally no need to kill any of the zombies in this game and there is no skill required to shoot them once and then run past them while they're staggered.

All these things you're saying about needing to "think" about everything is simply not true. You probably think that's the way it is becausse you didn't realize that you can exploit the enemy AI.

Here I'll even show you the video of him running past everything once you see this video you'll be like omg i've been puting way too much thought into this game lol:
Last edited by TheRat62; 12 Jan, 2020 @ 10:09am
talgaby 12 Jan, 2020 @ 10:07am 
Nope, you could run through the original RE2 as well, minus the bosses. All speedrunners do that. Every corridor has a line where the zombies cannot grab you, and they always have a fixed spawn position when you enter.
Granted, I'd like to see anyone run through the final door on Leon A here without firing a single shot, as the zombies will always double-grab you, which is instant death on hardcore.
TheRat62 12 Jan, 2020 @ 10:10am 
Originally posted by talgaby:
Nope, you could run through the original RE2 as well, minus the bosses. All speedrunners do that. Every corridor has a line where the zombies cannot grab you, and they always have a fixed spawn position when you enter.
Granted, I'd like to see anyone run through the final door on Leon A here without firing a single shot, as the zombies will always double-grab you, which is instant death on hardcore.

Yes except in the original RE it actually takes skill You're average player won't be able to easily get through the game like that.

In this game you can be the worst player in the world and figure out how to easily exploit the zombies.

see for yourself:
Last edited by TheRat62; 12 Jan, 2020 @ 10:11am
Overseer 12 Jan, 2020 @ 10:11am 
Current Tofu Survival rate is 15.62%. And that includes determined players that finished both scenarios. Most casuals don't even unlock Tofu.
TheRat62 12 Jan, 2020 @ 10:12am 
Originally posted by Alicstria:
So do you look up speed runs of games you're about to buy and base the average player experience on that?

This isn't a speedrun it's a guy showing you that the enemy AI can easily be exploited with next to no skill required.
If you shoot an enemy once it staggers them long enough

I know of that trick, but if you're trying to tell me it works on every zombie in the game with just 1 shot, you're lying. I've had zombie run at me as I was attempting to stagger with a shot in the leg but to no avail. I've been practicing it for some time on the 2 zombies from the morgue, they would either stagger immediately or after taking more damage, it's not the same everytime.

And again, spoiling yourself with a speedrun or complaining because the game offers more choices in the gameplay department is frankly speaking, quite stupid and only you are to blame.
Last edited by Яedly Яed.暗赤色@Tsundere-Tiddy; 12 Jan, 2020 @ 10:17am
Overseer 12 Jan, 2020 @ 10:21am 
If you shoot an enemy once it staggers them long enough

I know of that trick, but if you're trying to tell me it works on every zombie in the game with just 1 shot, you're lying. I've had zombie run at me as I was attempting to stagger them with a shot in the leg but to no avail.
On Hardcore - where a speedrun should take place hence S+ unlocks - a zombie will just eat the bullet and continue to push forward. It can take like 3-5 bullets to stagger a single zombie.
TheRat62 12 Jan, 2020 @ 10:23am 
If you shoot an enemy once it staggers them long enough

I know of that trick, but if you're trying to tell me it works on every zombie in the game with just 1 shot, you're lying. I've had zombie run at me as I was attempting to stagger with a shot in the leg but to no avail. I've been practicing it for some time on the 2 zombies from the morgue, they would either stagger immediately or after taking more damage, it's not the same everytime.

And again, spoiling yourself with a speedrun or complaining because the game offers more choices in the gameplay department is frankly speaking, quite stupid and only you are to blame.

I feel like the rooms are big enough in this game and the zombie count in most rooms is always small enough that you can either use all the space around you to maneuver right around the zombies or anytime it's a tighter area you can get by them with the shoot and run technique. overall making it extremely easy to get past the zombies 95% of the time.

I don't hate this game but it really does piss me off that game developers overlook all these little challenge breaking AI bugs

Like come on what happened to the tight game design of the past
Originally posted by Overseer:

I know of that trick, but if you're trying to tell me it works on every zombie in the game with just 1 shot, you're lying. I've had zombie run at me as I was attempting to stagger them with a shot in the leg but to no avail.
On Hardcore - where a speedrun should take place hence S+ unlocks - a zombie will just eat the bullet and continue to push forward. It can take like 3-5 bullets to stagger a single zombie.

Went straight for Hardcore without knowing anything and that's exactly how it is, bypassing them consistently with the same cheese is no fail-proof strategy, but it is one of many solutions alright. It's especially stressful with more than 1 zombie around, these guys have a greater grab reach than OG zombies.
ShadowSplit 12 Jan, 2020 @ 10:27am 
You know, playability of a game doesn't mean that game has to be hard/easy or something in-between to be enjoyable.
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