Bug with achievements
it said that i have all achievements but they dont show up on my profile, idk what i should do :guineapig:
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same here :steamsad: you ever find a solution:riddler:
no i didnt
same not on profile
The achievements only show up when the game has enough players, so until this game gets more players they won't show up.
the same thing happened to me. That's weird if it's because the game doesn't have enough players. :steamfacepalm:
It's because it's still in the "profile features limited" stage. Basically it's a Steam policy for little indie games to make sure they're actual games and not scams or shovelware. Pretty much the only thing that gets it out of this stage is lots of players + time. Until then the game doesn't show up on your profile and doesn't count toward your games totals.
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