Dawn of Man

Dawn of Man

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Rambutan 28. des. 2019 kl. 15.34
What would you like to see?
This is a thread to post your wishlist for future updates. I'm curious to see what other players in the community want out of this game!

Personally, I'd like wine-making. We have berries, after all. Cheese-making too for that matter, since dairy is also a thing.

As for gameplay, I'd just like to have more room in the stables. Or at least nerf the breeding rate of certain animals, such as goats and sheep, and increase the cow birth rate.

What about you guys? What do you want to see in DoM? :p
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Viser 115 av 101 kommentarer
Operation40 28. des. 2019 kl. 16.44 
2nd era needs a new food source, like small game traps..

as it is, it feels like it's best to hold at the population from the first era and just wait it out for farming (usually 12 pop for me).. once farming is unlocked, I can actually play the game again..
iDieAlot 28. des. 2019 kl. 18.05 
My starter list:

- All stone resources (stone, minerals) respawn over time.
- Mines work panel similar to the work area panel currently in game.
- Ability to assign multiple workers to mines.
- Lumber milling for additional sticks.
- Fix 'mine/resource exhausted' messages so that they consistently take you to the spot that was just depleted.
- Ability to manage work areas and mines from the panel screen (increase worker count, adjust size, remove, etc.). Right click menu could facilitate this.
- Base 'auto' hunted game types on the number of hunters assigned to the work area. 5 hunters equals bulls and bears and all other smaller creatures, for example, whereas 1 hunter assigned will only hunt goats and young. Rhinos and Mammoths, etc. (super sized) should remain as manual hunt prey.
- Better AI for prey selection - auto selecting horses over calves in the hunt area wastes energy and tools.
- Better AI that prepares when leaving camp - i.e. if it is late summer, carry a wool sweater, some food and water instead of going out naked and half starved.
Sist redigert av iDieAlot; 28. des. 2019 kl. 18.07
iDieAlot 28. des. 2019 kl. 18.12 
One more wish:

Add a 'Hunters Horn' where villagers with hunting equipment rally around a user defined location (new object?) when sounded so that they can be easily selected and sent out to hunt game.
doxiediva 28. des. 2019 kl. 19.52 
Disturbed 29. des. 2019 kl. 8.34 
Trade expansion: At the moment you really only need to trade for tool /tool materials as anything else is infinite. Technology, food etc is just optional. It would be nice if you could trade for luxury goods to increase welfare or morale so something in the later ages.

Second: A trade post building which allows you send traders of your settlement out. You would have to equip them with ressources to trade and select things you want to buy, of course with different chances of success.
sparrowhawk2378 31. des. 2019 kl. 5.32 
I'd like to have some more domestication types honestly. I'm not sure why reindeer go extinct for example when they are both around still and domesticated by some northern cultures such as the Lapps. And some alt-history level ones where i can domesticate mammoth and the like would be cool as an optional additional perk. Bonus as well if we get more map types that introduce more arid environments and introduce things like camels and the like.
bb 80 31. des. 2019 kl. 6.50 
Opprinnelig skrevet av iDieAlot:
One more wish:

Add a 'Hunters Horn' where villagers with hunting equipment rally around a user defined location (new object?) when sounded so that they can be easily selected and sent out to hunt game.
YOu can press the h button and only possible hunters will be selected.
ianescott 31. des. 2019 kl. 6.54 
Opprinnelig skrevet av iDieAlot:
One more wish:

Add a 'Hunters Horn' where villagers with hunting equipment rally around a user defined location (new object?) when sounded so that they can be easily selected and sent out to hunt game.

Oh yeah, this would be great! A rhino wanders into camp area, all hunters should rally immediately..."feast wanders in"
buds 31. des. 2019 kl. 7.38 
Buff towers more but increase the distances between them, it’s easier done. This will avoid over stretching resources for tower maintenance on higher population and playing to infinity.

Storage filters on houses.

Put specific storage slots on production structures like craft, metal smith, blacksmith, outfitters, even the tanners (variants) and all others. This way more storage spaces can be established and more spaces can be used around the settlement.

Gates or other structures can be placed on more angles.

Option to remove pause on normal difficulty when using primal vision.

Children prioritization on sticks gathering, this way adults will be concentrated on doing much needed tasks.
buds 31. des. 2019 kl. 8.36 
Another feature to change is that when you sound the alarm during raid, there should be a specific area or distance that villagers should react. Those that are too far shouldn’t be affected.
Cenn 31. des. 2019 kl. 9.38 
Opprinnelig skrevet av buds:

Gates or other structures can be placed on more angles.

This is necessary ! also the ability to insert a gate into existing walls without having to first remove the sections would be nice
IceDeath 31. des. 2019 kl. 10.35 
I've been playing the game for months and would like to suggest some additions so you don't get bored after a point.

1) No population limit and longer life span.
2) Different buildings for each animal type.
3) Banner for hunting domesticated animals.
4) Main building which will enable us to build more than 1 city.
4.1) This building may be of some kind and will affect only the residents within it.
eg Work, battles etc.
4.2) market building with which we can transport supplies to other cities.
4.3) Button in the main building, for defense
5) Minerals can be placed above mines more than once.
6) The mountains consist of rocks that we can collect and eventually become a plain.
7) How to dig to make grooves.
8) Wall that cuts across the rivers.
9) In the buildings of clothes, armaments and the production of materials for the construction of towers, there should always be one person.
10) Banner for where the trader will come.
11) More fish at each point.
12) Choose how many people will defend in battle and how.
13) Longer seasons.
14) More types of cultivation.
15) Possibility of capturing wounded by raids.

With these I believe the game will be much better and we will have more to do and there will be some purpose.
ugamugi 31. des. 2019 kl. 11.06 
Other than quality of life issues, the endgame definitely needs to be expanded upon. There should be more mechanics/systems to differentiate the last era compared to earlier eras. Introducing one or two new buildings won't change much as everything will go back to routine once the building is completed.

My wishlist:

- introduce a new resource that ties in closely with new and existing system. Luxury goods

Under the umbrella of luxury goods, it may include seashells, incense, amber, gemstones, obsidian, advance pottery etc.

Small amount be obtained via mining or crafting (very limited), but mostly obtained via trading or looting from dead raiders during last era.

uses: trade (easy to store, high value and slow to perish), increase prestige/welfare of village, events, resource to construct certain buildings, consumed during burial ( burial in iron age must have sufficient luxury resource 'buried' with the deceased or there will be penalty), gift to bribe raiders etc,

high luxury goods count (relative to population) could for example increases number of traders, increase migration, increase pop cap etc but also increases number of raiders. Maybe even part of the 'win condition'

-Chieftain Hut
unique building buildable in iron age

consumes luxury good to maintain

one villager appointed as Chieftain

Chieftain can hold festivals (can be held once a year and consumes luxury goods + food in exchange for positive buffs etc), negotiate with raiders, increase productivity, increase technology advancement rate, unlock construction of certain buildings, provide advance statistic on village etc.

death of Chieftain will need more elaborate burial (consuming more luxury goods and higher moral penalty etc)

shaman/witch doctor building
one villager appointed as shaman/witch doctor
utilizes luxury goods + herbs etc to treat sickness and injuries

-upgradable hearth.

upgrading the hearth is required to enter the final age.

Right now the regular hearth just too pathetic for the last era. A gathering place should look like it is regularly used, Maybe have some seats of tree stumps/logs/rocks surrounding the hearth etc, maybe partially covered.

More people can use the upgraded hearth at the same time and it cooks faster.

Of course, I'm just listing out the possibilities and there are various ways to go about the systems I mentioned. I'll be happy even if mechanics are introduced in another form.
iDieAlot 31. des. 2019 kl. 12.01 
Opprinnelig skrevet av bb 80:
Opprinnelig skrevet av iDieAlot:
One more wish:

Add a 'Hunters Horn' where villagers with hunting equipment rally around a user defined location (new object?) when sounded so that they can be easily selected and sent out to hunt game.
YOu can press the h button and only possible hunters will be selected.

I am thinking about the ability to 'recall' hunters not necessarily inside the village (maybe they are collecting resources at the moment), in essence, to form a hunting party on demand.

I love the hut filters idea too, and the slots for production buildings. I see a lot of slots in the buildings but I've never noticed if it fills up beyond what is needed for the crafting session. If these could be stocked with supplies as a task, then I suspect it would be more inline with what was intended and make production more efficient.
Sist redigert av iDieAlot; 31. des. 2019 kl. 12.02
Operation40 31. des. 2019 kl. 13.18 
I would like to revise my answer..

just want to cut the stupid tree.. that would be great..
Sist redigert av Operation40; 31. des. 2019 kl. 13.18
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