Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice

Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice

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Bull boss
I know this is quite literally a skill issue, but how am I supposed to beat it when it takes like half my poise on a deflect and it runs halfway across the arena over end over again not giving any openings.
Last edited by Scrambled onions; 23 Aug @ 7:34am
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Showing 1-14 of 14 comments
Don't deflect it. Just dodge, and attack it when it's turned away from you. Basically whatever you do don't stand right in front of it. You can also goad it into ramming the walls, which will stun it briefly.
Jimwtfh 23 Aug @ 7:50am 
I usually beat it by staying close to it and constantly circling and hitting it from behind till it loses all its health.
Deflect only it's charge attack, hit it's rear and use firecrackers.
Last edited by 𝙷𝚘𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚊; 23 Aug @ 7:55am
Apekatt 23 Aug @ 8:10am 
Don't deflect then. Run around with him until you can find an opening to attack. Will take 200 years(+500 on charmless/demon bell) but you will suceed
Last edited by Apekatt; 23 Aug @ 8:10am
asundaero 23 Aug @ 10:46am 
Not too sure if you're referring to the blazing bull boss - if it is, just deflect when you see its head lower right before it charges at you. Firecracker when it rams into the walls and wail on it when its stunned. You should be able to break its posture! Good luck
Try using firecrackers & get behind the bull for as long as you can to get some damage in (worked for me :steamhappy: )
Thanks everyone, I managed to get it into a perpetual state of trying to ram the side of its head into me so I just had to do a few attacks, dodge, and repeat
Gonger02 23 Aug @ 11:08pm 
With big enemies you just want to dodge, also he is scared of firecrackers and i think a merchant nearby sells the firecrackers prostetic but i dont remember which one.
I hit the same wall. You probably beat it since writing this post, but honestly some bosses in Sekiro need to be fought like a Bloodborne boss, and this overgrown pig is one of those enemies.
K3L 25 Aug @ 12:35pm 
I tried deflecting only the moment when he tilts his head + firecrackers

Worked wonders
dumbinfp 10 Sep @ 11:44pm 
These people are already giving good advice, so I'll just say something that's hopefully comforting. Even in mods that are meant to make the game a lot harder, they still nerf this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ boss.
Bolski 11 Sep @ 12:23pm 
For me, this was a boss that you just have to whittle down it's vitality. Forget posture-breaking it.

Firecrackers can help. But the main gist is to just run behind it, hitting it in its butt. That's just about it. It takes some time. Also, I would suggest NOT locking on him. Learn to be able to run an pan the camera around to keep focus on his butt. When he charges you can usually stay behind him and he'll eventually run into the wall which allows a few swipes. Then constantly try to stay at his rear/side. Rinse and repeat.
Cheese it with Dragon Flash spam and space whenever it gets close. ::gigachad::
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