112 Operator

112 Operator

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DuckyFox 5 Jul, 2023 @ 10:40pm
Last Duty Glitch?
Heya, Been having a great time playing, but I'm a bit confused on this.
So, everything is working fine, until I need to defend the first infection free zone, I sent military and swat vans, but as I'm watching, they're not attacking infected, they're just standing there and dying, not killing any infected at all. I know they've got the guns and stuff.
Am I supposed to fail the first defence? or is this a bug?
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DuckyFox 5 Jul, 2023 @ 10:42pm 
Update: I have also discovered the game just won't progress, even if I ignore all the defence calls, the game just won't go to the end of duty screen, even though the shift is over
Waslap 19 Jul, 2023 @ 3:42pm 
I have run into the exact same issue with the defense of the safe zones. All the hordes and other zombie events works fine, but for some reason my officers and military backup doesn't shoot the zombies. I've even tested with multiple loadouts thinking that they are getting too close to the officers to do anything.

Tested loadouts:
- Adding pepper spray gun
- Adding LRAD
- Adding taser
- Having shotgun units in the vans
- All shotguns in the vans
- All rifles and machine guns in the vans

Also, I added one of each of the other services to my squads as well:
- x2 Armed forces vans, 1x transport ambulance + 1x Firetruck

None of the above worked for me, so the last duty DLC is currently unplayable for me, even if I had the most fun with it after completing the campaign over multiple difficulties and having some free play sessions in my home town.

Could you look into this behavior and help fix the DLC for us? Thank you!
Zmora 20 Dec, 2024 @ 7:05am 
The error is still not repaired
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