Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider

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Unable to create DirectX 11 device.
Unable to create DirectX 11 device.
Ive got this error when i wanted to play the game. I dont really know what to do.

Unable to create DirectX 11 device. Your GPU needs to support D3D_Feature_11_0 (Shadow Model 5.0) or above to play Shadow of the Tomb Raider."

My Gpu is 3070, ive got the latest Nvidia drivers (gaming) downloaded from the app also 2x reinstalled them. Anyone got any tip?
In DxDiag it says i have DX12 date of the DX it says 6/25/2024 version:

Ive got noidea what to do.
< >
Showing 1-15 of 22 comments
cheshirm 14 Jul @ 11:52am 
you played 28 hours. so what changed?
Naberius 14 Jul @ 12:02pm 
Originally posted by cheshirm:
you played 28 hours. so what changed?
I played 28 hours 1,5 year ago on a different setup. Backthen i had windows 7 I5 4570S and GTX 1070ti.
I got "new" pc parts(build) 6-7 months ago?
Naberius 14 Jul @ 12:03pm 
Originally posted by Naberius:
Originally posted by cheshirm:
you played 28 hours. so what changed?
I played 28 hours 1,5 year ago on a different setup. Backthen i had windows 10 wich i do now aswell but I5 4570S and GTX 1070ti.
I got "new" pc parts(build) 6-7 months ago?
Naberius 14 Jul @ 12:03pm 
Originally posted by Naberius:
Originally posted by Naberius:
I played 28 hours 1,5 year ago on a different setup. Backthen i had windows 10 wich i do now aswell but I5 4570S and GTX 1070ti.
I got "new" pc parts(build) 6-7 months ago?
I think its because i have DX12, but why the F wouldnt the game start.
cheshirm 14 Jul @ 12:05pm 
perhaps game is trying to load your old graphics settings onto your new computer.
Naberius 14 Jul @ 12:06pm 
Originally posted by cheshirm:
perhaps game is trying to load your old graphics settings onto your new computer.
Ive got new SSD, complete new windows isntall. I dont know whats going on with it.
Well new as if 8 months old.
Last edited by Naberius; 14 Jul @ 12:07pm
cheshirm 14 Jul @ 12:07pm 
you have an nvidia card. run geforce experience then optimize the game with that then launch the game. hopefully that will force the new graphics settings.

three times this year ... so far .... I have had to wipe the graphics card driver then clean install it. perhaps try that if geforce experience did not fix things.

game is running on my 3060ti with the 556.`12 driver
Last edited by cheshirm; 14 Jul @ 12:10pm
Naberius 14 Jul @ 12:17pm 
Okey, thanks for the tip. Anyway got to ask one question, if i have DX12 installed. I want to run the game on DX11, does that mean i need to install DX11? Because i feel like it should be compatable right?
cheshirm 14 Jul @ 12:23pm 
when you ran dxdiag then looked at the second page (display)
the feature levels has what versions of dx you have

a new install of win 11 has dx12. it does NOT install all previous versions. steam/the game installer "is supposed to" come with all libraries needed

in folder Documents\Shadow of the Tomb Raider
is a log file. in mine I see
7:58:35:222 (00021424) > [NxApp] Querying GPU Driver Info...
07:58:35:223 (00021424) > [NxApp] Enumerating available display adapters:
07:58:35:223 (00021424) > [NxApp] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti (active)
07:58:35:223 (00021424) > [NxApp] Successfully found GPU Driver Info
07:58:35:223 (00021424) > [NxApp] Driver Desc: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti
07:58:35:223 (00021424) > [NxApp] Driver Version:
07:58:35:223 (00021424) > [Settings] DirectX Version: 12

check yours. maybe there is another error msg
Last edited by cheshirm; 14 Jul @ 12:39pm
Naberius 14 Jul @ 1:33pm 
Ive got win10.
You mean the 12_1. 12_0, 11_1, 11_0, 10_1, 10_0.9?
Naberius 14 Jul @ 1:36pm 
I dont know where i am supposed to check?
Naberius 14 Jul @ 1:47pm 
21:07:33:700 (00012880) > [Startup] Shadow of the Tomb Raider
21:07:33:701 (00012880) > [Startup] ==============
21:07:33:701 (00012880) > [Startup]
21:07:33:701 (00012880) > [Startup] Build: v1.0 build 492.0_64
21:07:33:701 (00012880) > [Startup] Windows 10.0 (build 19045)
21:07:33:701 (00012880) > [Startup] Game directory: C:\Users\Naberius\Documents\Shadow of the Tomb Raider\
21:07:33:701 (00012880) > [Startup]
21:07:33:701 (00012880) > [Startup] Memory statistics:
21:07:33:701 (00012880) > [Startup] Total RAM = 31.9 GB (32678 MB)
21:07:33:701 (00012880) > [Startup] Avail RAM = 25.3 GB (25876 MB)
21:07:33:701 (00012880) > [Startup] Total virtual memory = 131072.0 GB (134217727 MB)
21:07:33:701 (00012880) > [Startup] Avail virtual memory = 131064.4 GB (134209945 MB)
21:07:33:701 (00012880) > [Startup]
21:07:33:701 (00012880) > [NxApp] PreInit
21:07:33:701 (00012880) > [Steam] Initializing.
21:07:33:803 (00012880) > [Steam] Successfully initialized.
21:07:33:803 (00012880) > [Epic] Initializing Epic SDK.
21:07:33:829 (00012880) > [Epic] Initialized. Setting Logging Callback ...
21:07:33:829 (00012880) > [Epic] Logging Callback Set
21:07:33:829 (00012880) > [Epic] Creating platform.
21:07:33:829 (00012880) > [Epic] LogEOS: [Boot] EOSSDK Version 1.14.2-20976885 booting at 2024-07-14T19:07:33.829Z
21:07:33:830 (00012880) > [Epic] LogEOS: [Boot] EOSSDK Platform Properties [OS=Windows/10.0.19041.4406.64bit, ClientId=xyza789184QEubHbDvHmSZqfYFkpAhkV, ProductId=648c457accfa4440a48b5aabf0de7eca, SandboxId=4b5461ca8d1c488787b5200b420de066, DeploymentId=e2a7efda4c2b4ac2915e099875cf809d, ProductName=Cinereous, ProductVersion=1.0, IsServer=false, Flags=None]
21:07:33:971 (00012880) > [Epic] LogEOSOverlay: Overlay library loaded, version ++EOSSDK+Release-Overlay-CL-25975892
21:07:33:971 (00012880) > [Epic] LogEOSOverlay: Beginning dxgi factory detour
21:07:33:971 (00012880) > [Epic] LogEOSOverlay: Factory detour complete
21:07:33:971 (00012880) > [Epic] LogEOSOverlay: Beginning swap chain detour
21:07:33:971 (00012880) > [Epic] LogEOSOverlay: Attempting to create swap chain using D3D11
21:07:33:971 (00012880) > [Epic] LogEOSOverlay: Successfully created swap chain using D3D11 with feature level b000
21:07:33:971 (00012880) > [Epic] LogEOSOverlay: Swapchain detour complete
21:07:33:971 (00012880) > [Epic] LogEOSOverlay: Overlay loaded and initialized
21:07:33:996 (00012880) > [Epic] LogEOSAntiCheat: [AntiCheatClient] Anti-cheat client not available. Verify that the game was started using the anti-cheat bootstrapper if you intend to use it.
21:07:33:998 (00012880) > [Epic] Platform created.
21:07:33:998 (00012880) > [SwapChain] Initializing...
21:07:33:998 (00012880) > [DXGI] Initializing...
21:07:33:998 (00012880) > [DXGI] Created DXGIFactory1
21:07:33:998 (00012880) > [DXGI] Successfully initialized.
21:07:33:998 (00012880) > [Render] Enumerating adapters:
21:07:33:998 (00012880) > [Render] Adapter 0:
21:07:33:998 (00012880) > [Monitor] Description : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
21:07:33:998 (00012880) > [Monitor] Vendor : nVidia (10de)
21:07:33:998 (00012880) > [Monitor] Device : 2488
21:07:33:998 (00012880) > [Monitor] Sub system : 88251043
21:07:33:998 (00012880) > [Monitor] Revision : 161
21:07:33:998 (00012880) > [Monitor] Dedicated Video Memory : 8018 MB
21:07:33:998 (00012880) > [Monitor] Dedicated System Memory : 0000 MB
21:07:33:998 (00012880) > [Monitor] Shared System Memory : 16339 MB
21:07:33:998 (00012880) > [Monitor]
21:07:33:998 (00012880) > [Render] Loading NVAPI...
21:07:33:999 (00012880) > [Render] Done loading NVAPI
21:07:33:999 (00012880) > [Render] Adapter 1:
21:07:33:999 (00012880) > [Monitor] Description : Microsoft Basic Render Driver
21:07:33:999 (00012880) > [Monitor] Vendor : Unknown (1414)
21:07:33:999 (00012880) > [Monitor] Device : 8c
21:07:33:999 (00012880) > [Monitor] Sub system : 0
21:07:33:999 (00012880) > [Monitor] Revision : 0
21:07:33:999 (00012880) > [Monitor] Dedicated Video Memory : 0000 MB
21:07:33:999 (00012880) > [Monitor] Dedicated System Memory : 0000 MB
21:07:33:999 (00012880) > [Monitor] Shared System Memory : 16339 MB
21:07:33:999 (00012880) > [Monitor]
21:07:33:999 (00012880) > [Render] Enumerating monitors:
21:07:33:999 (00012880) > [Render] Monitor 0: handle = 0000000000010001, aspect = 1.78
21:07:33:999 (00012880) > [Render]
21:07:34:062 (00012880) > [NxApp] Failed to create Dummy D3D11CreateDevice
21:07:36:476 (00012880) > [SwapChain] Error occurred during initialization.
21:07:36:476 (00012880) > [NxApp] Failed to initialize swapchain.
cheshirm 14 Jul @ 1:55pm 
after the above looks like mine does an nvidia 3d vision check:

07:58:07:364 (00021424) > [Render] Enumerating monitors:
07:58:07:364 (00021424) > [Render] Monitor 0: handle = 0000000000010001, aspect = 1.75
07:58:07:364 (00021424) > [Render]
07:58:07:628 (00021424) > [Render] NVidia 3D Vision is not enabled.
07:58:07:628 (00021424) > [Render] Enumerating Display Modes:
07:58:07:629 (00021424) > [Render] Querying NVAPI for Surround modes
07:58:07:798 (00021424) > [Render] NvAPI_Mosaic_GetDisplayViewportsByResolution() - no surround modes detected
07:58:08:809 (00021424) > [NxDLSS] DLSS support test, code = 0x00000001, info: NVSDK_NGX_Result_Success
07:58:10:208 (00021424) > [Intel XeSS:] pushing Resolution (800 x 600)

do you have the latest 556.12 driver?

maybe run the game launcher then options. if dx12 is unchecked, check it.
if it is checked, uncheck it and try dx11.

might also be how your monitor is connected. does not seem the game is recognizing it to determine resolutions.
Last edited by cheshirm; 14 Jul @ 1:58pm
Naberius 14 Jul @ 2:10pm 
I want to play the game on DX11. The launcher didnt start for me. :/ I will reinstall and try again. Ive got 556.12.
cheshirm 14 Jul @ 2:25pm 
we have the same game files and graphics driver. the game works with both dx11 and dx12 on my 3060ti with win 11.

dx11 does not work on yours with win 10. dx12 unknown.

only other thing I can suggest .... three times this year (so far) I have had to wipe the graphics driver with Display Driver Uninstaller then clean install the latest driver. maybe your driver has a problem.
< >
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