Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark

Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark

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Thaecrasis 27 Sep, 2024 @ 9:54pm
Enemy spell range
Most of the time, I see enemies using spells at the proper ranges, but in a couple battles, when enemies had Concentration, which is supposed to only give +20% chance to hit, they were able to use spells from 10-11 tiles away, despite Bleed, and Earth II having ranges of 0-3 and 0-5 respectfully. (Their other abilities didn't seem to affect it, just things like mana font, smart casting, counter attack)

Does Concentration actually have a hidden effect of increasing spell range, or is there some weird interaction/bug going on with it?

P.S. The 2 enemies I saw that did that didn't have any range-enhancing gear either.
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Conan The Librarian 27 Sep, 2024 @ 11:13pm 
Hey Thaecrasis-

It sounds like there's perhaps a misunderstanding here.

1. [Concentrate] doesn't affect range of abilities

2. "10-11 tiles away" sounds like a gun range to me, with most guns being around 7 - 8 range, with the highest being the special gun [Infinity] with 10.

3. Did these enemies perhaps have the Warmage class? Remember that the Warmage's [Infused Edge] allows for them to put a spell onto a normal attack, thus, shooting with a gun, and following up with a single-target version of the infused spell.

See wiki for details on these if you like:


Thaecrasis 27 Sep, 2024 @ 11:39pm 
One was a Druid, using Bleed, the other was a regular Wizard using Earth II, neither had guns, just an ancient rod and a rapier. It was just standard spellcasting, no special skills.
Last edited by Thaecrasis; 27 Sep, 2024 @ 11:40pm
jinnro195 28 Sep, 2024 @ 8:02am 
Originally posted by Thaecrasis:
One was a Druid, using Bleed, the other was a regular Wizard using Earth II, neither had guns, just an ancient rod and a rapier. It was just standard spellcasting, no special skills.
Do you have the DLC? There are a few new items in it that increase spell range by 1 each.
Thaecrasis 28 Sep, 2024 @ 11:45am 
I have the DLC, but the items the enemies had were starting items like linen robe, phyrgian cap, and for accessories, one had wizard gloves, and the other had a shining band. I made sure to check - there were no special items, no special skills.
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