Hell Let Loose

Hell Let Loose

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Wypoor 23 Dec, 2024 @ 12:43pm
Parabol of Lee Enfield No. 4 bullet.
I have one complains. Lee Enfield No. 4 is still crap to fight. Is only one rifle which I don't have a sense of security, I can't focus and lower my morale. Is still only one rifle which has a othe bullet parabole than all others rifles in game. I understand, that could me more realistic and prabol is higher, but why only in this one model. All others rifles have really flat parabol. When you shot from No. 4, you playing other game. Below is an example how high you have to aiming, to shot enemy head. Yes, is far, some 500m, but on 200 or 250 is really strange to high. In other gears incomparably lower. I have impression that is some issue with hit sound in No. 4 and No. 1 too. You do not hear hit in target on close distance, to far targets rather it is work. Can you finaly finish this sad Allies rifles saga? Thank you. :steamsad:

Head shot reached target at the height manekin head behind vertical line. Normal hit on close distance is on the top of this line (not croshair). Leave the sniper rifle, the real problem is with regular rifle, without zoom, parabol is really high too. I must aim completely difference than in K98, Garand or Mosin. That is real annoying.
Last edited by Wypoor; 23 Dec, 2024 @ 12:51pm