Tricolour Lovestory

Tricolour Lovestory

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WarMage 28 Jan, 2022 @ 1:18am
English translation, current state ?

Just wondering if anyone can let me know if they fixed the english translation a bit since it's original release ? I remember that originally, most of it didn't make sense since they just pasted the japanese text into google translate and copy the result into the game. Quite a shameful practice to sell a product in such a state when the story is 75% of the reason why people buy such titles.

So yeah, if anyone that has taken a look recently can let me know I'd love to go through this story but to do so I need to be able to read it first !
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
Shana 30 Jan, 2022 @ 5:34pm 
It is still a very rough translation. I can get the gist of most of it but there are still times when I honestly don't understand what they are trying to say lol. The tenses are really messed up too. Flows between past and present mid sentence and can hurt my brain. I'm having an all right time with it but yes very rough.
RitaRossweiess 9 Feb, 2022 @ 8:35am 
China's unique language and grammar will cause incomprehension and misunderstanding if it is directly translated. It is better to wait for formal translation to understand the game content. To be honest, this game is very fun if you understand it, and this game is also relatively famous in China.
Izargon 9 Feb, 2022 @ 2:54pm 
There are still some issues that remain even with the complete edition...

If I had the disk space for it, I would let this game sit on my computer, alas, I do not at the present time... I played this before, and I got quite far into it as well, but now... yeah, can't spare the space for it... Will keep on with it later. the True ending dlc seems to have weirded the translation from what I recall before...

Edit: So the complete edition has arrived, which takes care of most of the word issues... However, there are a few missed portions. Such as the one statement that repeats itself three times ion one frame. There are issues with the translation still, but it is more legible now than it used to be.

Also, it is interesting that you basically explain the text errors as a function of the protag's social disfunction... But still, some things need to be fixed.
Last edited by Izargon; 10 Feb, 2022 @ 9:52pm
I wish you have not played this DLC
Eason Sun 10 Apr, 2022 @ 7:58am 
AS a Chinese,I have to say that it is a great challenge to translate this game into English perfectly.You know,Chinese has many expressions that can not be understood by foreigners without a detailed explanation(It has something to do with our long history and great culture).Also,in this game,a lot of modern words are used,although the story happened in 2005(just an year after I was born,haha),which makes the work more diffcult.
u know, in Chinese,maybe one word contains different meanings.For example, if someone says the word “傻B” happily, it means he is laughing someone's funny experience.if someone say that angrily,it means he is extremly angry with someone.In another hand, many different Chinese words have one English meaning.This may cause the difficulties of translation rises.
If u arn't living in China, u gonna never understand what he or she means.But i believe that in some day the English version will completely goes right
Gaspard 10 Sep @ 11:51am 
Is it still machine translation?
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