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Angel Xex 5 Oct, 2017 @ 6:44pm
Pruebas de traducción al español.
Bueno quiero decir que el juego es traducible y puedo agregar cualquier texto a los diálogos sin importar su longitud en la frase. el problema está en que no puedo editar los archivos g1t que es donde están las fuentes mainfonthd720_0.g1t y subfont_hd720.g1t. así que no puedo agregar Ñ y acentos mientras no pueda empaquetar los g1t, ya que se que puedo convertirlos a DDS pero no puedo volver a dejarlos en su formato original.
en fin aquí una muestra de lo q hice hoy.

como pueden ver incluye más caracteres de los que originalmente habían en ingles.
Last edited by Angel Xex; 5 Oct, 2017 @ 6:44pm
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Showing 1-15 of 22 comments
Razgriz 5 Oct, 2017 @ 9:26pm 
Hey genial , no pense que alguien tendria animos de traducir este juego , ya que usa un ingles demasiado basico pero hey , esto es muy bueno , me encantaria ayudar pero , no entiendo como solucionar tu problema se muy poco de ello y como funciona el empaquetado de archivos y formatos de estos , solo puedo darte mi apoyo !! Exito !:Uni:
Angel Xex 5 Oct, 2017 @ 9:29pm 
para serte sincero, no tengo interés en traducir el juego por ahora, solo me encanta el romhacking, y mi problema actual es el de poder editar las fuentes, porque lo del tamaño de las frases está arreglado. de todos modos si consigo solucionar lo del g1t, te aviso, y vemos la posibilidad de traducir el juego, ya que tal como dices el ingles es básico. pero mi meta es aprender lo más que pueda de romhacking.
百合 姫 5 Oct, 2017 @ 9:39pm 
You may be able to get the g1t files edited, but does the engine know how to map to more than [a-z][A-Z][0-9] characters?

The way the game implements characters is that it has some sort of lookup table that tells where in the font g1t texture each character is. If the font doesn't have accents in it already, you'll have to find this table and add your character to it. Alternately, you could reuse one of the Japanese characters, but it will probably not be the right width.
Angel Xex 5 Oct, 2017 @ 9:45pm 
really almost all the translations from English to Spanish, what we do is reuse an unused character, example => <@, is not complicated, I just need what I said, that is to be able to repack the source g1t. about the size, is almost always the same size, since the fonts are created based on cells.
百合 姫 5 Oct, 2017 @ 9:58pm 
Originally posted by C9 | Solid_FPS:
really almost all the translations from English to Spanish, what we do is reuse an unused character, example => <@, is not complicated, I just need what I said, that is to be able to repack the source g1t. about the size, is almost always the same size, since the fonts are created based on cells.
The font g1t is basically a glorified RGBA bitmap with a weird header. If you extract everything from offset 0x2C onwards, you should be able to extract a 2048x1024 RGBA (interleaved) bitmap that shows the font.

Unfortunately, if you actually look into the font image itself, you'll find that i's, !'s, and / characters are packed smaller than M, K, D, and Z. That means the font is not aligned on any sort of grid. The grid data is not in the g1t file.
Angel Xex 5 Oct, 2017 @ 10:02pm 
but my friend, could you repackage? and if so could you share the code or the way you got it? even if they are not aligned, I think something can be achieved.
Angel Xex 5 Oct, 2017 @ 10:05pm 
about replacing it by Japanese character I think is the best option.
Angel Xex 5 Oct, 2017 @ 10:08pm 
even if you can not, thank you very much, what you told me was very useful to think about.
百合 姫 5 Oct, 2017 @ 10:17pm 
Originally posted by C9 | Solid_FPS:
but my friend, could you repackage? and if so could you share the code or the way you got it? even if they are not aligned, I think something can be achieved.

Fortunately, the g1t you want to work with isn't encoded in any way that requires changes to the g1t header, so you can just split the header from the image data, edit the raw image data, then copy the header+image data and it should be valid.

On Windows, splitting a file probably requires a hex editor. The magic offset is 0x2C in this file. Before this offset, is the g1t header. Don't change anything in the header.
After this offset, is the RGBA image data. You'll want to extract both parts to something like font.hdr and font.img

Then, you'll need to get an image editing program that edits raw files; I remember Paint Shop Pro had a pretty useful one. I've already given the image format and dimensions above, so if you open font.img, you should be able to open it.

Lastly, once you're done editing the image, you need to save it back to font.img and do a
copy /b font.hdr+font.img font.g1t
- this will put the header and image data back together.

I haven't written a g1t repacker because no one has requested it, and a fully functional g1t repacker is more work than I'd like to do at this time. Since you're interested in romhacking, I think it would be good for you to attempt to write a very minimalistic g1t repacker yourself first.

The code that was used to extract the g1t files is in HyoutaTools.
Angel Xex 5 Oct, 2017 @ 10:21pm 
thanks man of course I have interest in creating my own tools, that's why I want to practice with as many games as I can find, but first I have to do it manually before passing it to an application. I will try with the data that you gave me, I hope it does not bother you if I ask you in case I get complications.
百合 姫 5 Oct, 2017 @ 10:23pm 
Originally posted by C9 | Solid_FPS:
thanks man of course I have interest in creating my own tools, that's why I want to practice with as many games as I can find, but first I have to do it manually before passing it to an application. I will try with the data that you gave me, I hope it does not bother you if I ask you in case I get complications.
No problem - I just realized I was looking at the Atelier Sophie font, so I could be wrong on a lot of details on the font g1t. You may have to send me a copy - I don't have a PC copy of Blue Reflection.

Also, Paint Shop Pro doesn't support RGBA properly (it opens it as CYMK), so you'll have to find another image editor; I'm sure some good ones exist.
Last edited by 百合 姫; 5 Oct, 2017 @ 10:25pm
Angel Xex 5 Oct, 2017 @ 10:25pm 
I do not know if I can upload files directly here for copyright issues, so I'll send it to you by chat.
Angel Xex 8 Oct, 2017 @ 6:24pm 
I discovered that they are not really the fonts of the game, they only affect the save menu but not the dialogs.
RW_Razorback 23 Jan, 2018 @ 4:07pm 
veo dos hilos sobre el tema, ya informareis del resultado. gracias por el esfuerzo.
Black99 21 Dec, 2018 @ 8:21pm 
Oye bro, tengo una persona interesada (el traductor de en querer traducir el juego, y me preguntaba si quieres ayudar para el hacker.

Y bueno, el traductor no se va a perder y siempre ha tenido interés en traducir el juego, solo que nos falta un hacker.
Last edited by Black99; 27 Dec, 2018 @ 11:58am
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