App Id 65120

App Id 65120

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App ID 65120 Lore?
While I recognize I might be intruding on a sanctuary slowly being overrun by normies and casuals, I can't help but, as a Steam and VALVe fan, interact and take a place on anything Steam, especially one this random, funny, and fascinating.
However, I still have a big question; What did this app use to be?
Some answers have been given in other threads, but they conflict with each other. Was it a Shrek game? Was it a copyright-infringing fishing shovelware? Or was it always a glitch in the system to be found?
Dernière modification de CharmyTheCharizard; 22 aout 2022 à 12h39
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Back in the ancient days of steam before the chat and friends list update, the friends list window had two tabs: friends and groups. Groups would obviously show you what groups you were in and I think clicking on them would send you to the group chat. However, games that you follow would also be treated as a group that you join when you follow the game, so they would show up in the groups tab. You can't follow this game from the store page because there is none, but you could do it from the community hub. When I followed the game, it showed up in the groups tab on my friends list, and I distinctly recall the icon being a silhouette of a man fishing. This is all the intel I can provide.
BigTedK a écrit :
Back in the ancient days of steam before the chat and friends list update, the friends list window had two tabs: friends and groups. Groups would obviously show you what groups you were in and I think clicking on them would send you to the group chat. However, games that you follow would also be treated as a group that you join when you follow the game, so they would show up in the groups tab. You can't follow this game from the store page because there is none, but you could do it from the community hub. When I followed the game, it showed up in the groups tab on my friends list, and I distinctly recall the icon being a silhouette of a man fishing. This is all the intel I can provide.
Much appreciated and thanks for your time, It seems the fishing story is the closest to truth.
It is most likely an app slot owned by Dovetail Games. You can see by the single known package this app is included into ( ).

And since there are references to fishing, maybe it was an app used for one of their Fishing games (Euro Fishing?).
Dernière modification de Karoll; 7 déc. 2023 à 6h37
This thread was quite old before the recent post, so we're locking it to prevent confusion.
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Posté le 22 aout 2022 à 12h34
Messages : 5