Racing Glider

Racing Glider

ship steering MODDING
so, a number of people have said they don't like the turning of the ships, and i have to agree, given the new ship's joystick over-sensitivity and the frustrations of the keyboard friendly steering method used by cryengine, so i tinkered with the below settings and now it's much more likeable for me:

-go to: \steamapps\common\Racing Glider\Assets and open 'scripts.pak' for editing directly in 7zip, no need to unzip it [but back it up 1st]
-navigate to: Scripts\Entities\Vehicles\implementations\xml
-'speedranger' is the 1st ship, 'speeder' the new scooter one, right click to edit.
-find 'ArcadeWheeled' towards end of page, the main values to tweak are: steerSpeed, steerSpeedMin [+ steerSpeedScales, for the bike] lower=slower steer, higher=faster.
-close and save [temp file], and click 'ok' when 7zip prompts, to overwrite it in the .pak's archive.


steerSpeed The speed at which the wheels reach full turning lock at max speed.
steerSpeedMin The speed at which the wheels reach full turning lock at zero speed.
steerRelaxation The speed at which the wheels center when you are turning then let go of the stick.

v0SteerMax The maximum steering angle at zero speed.
kvSteerMax The amount of steering degrees subtracted from v0SteerMax when speed is equal or higher than vMaxSteerMax.
vMaxSteerMax The top speed as far as steering is concerned.

Zuletzt bearbeitet von dev of HOVERZONE 2107; 23. Nov. 2018 um 21:15
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Merhunes  [Entwickler] 26. Nov. 2018 um 7:33 
Thank you for this contribution!

I'm glad you're taking the first step towards creating a modding community.
I really like the idea that players can contribute to improving the game by this way.
In the current state some things can be changed, others, no, and some will surely become so.

For the moment it is not my priority, but I will think about what I can propose to the players in terms of Modding.

If I see that there is a potential community of modder. I would add a section on this forum so that we can discuss all of this together.

I am also very curious to see what you can bring as modifications and eventually as a creation thereafter. It is quite conceivable that I appreciate certain modifications and that it is integrated into the game by the way of the Steam Workshop or simply added into the base game if it's really cool. :)

Thank you for your support !
as far as creation goes, i don't really have time for that [as i have my own game to work on], even tweaking this was a full day of tweak/load/test/repeat to get an improvement, but in the end, only you can fix the underlying issue which is 'arcadewheel' [progressive] should only be used for keyboards/buttons, while a direct relative [no delayed progression] steering method should be implemented for joysticks, along with sensitivity options.

since cryengine is designed for action rather than racing, that may require some advanced custom setup.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von dev of HOVERZONE 2107; 27. Nov. 2018 um 6:01
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