Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment

Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment

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Hollow Area Rusted Key
hey guys, so Im stuck in the third area, and Im at the place where we need a rusted key to progress, but there are some rocks blocking my path and there isnt anywhere that says you need to break a rock, so Im just confused what to do.
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You need to equip a strong mace against rocks and then attack the rock to get through I believe. Maybe you went about the area in the wrong order. You need to beat a 3 head snake in a water cave to lower the water level then go to a tower to get the mace then head to those rocks. Here are the 3-head bosses I recorded and if you want to see the full playlist you need to open the video to a new tab. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlZL3jB2FH0&list=PL-_EX_vMMS5pLfdLkGTa7EyOl9w97LYU7&index=173
Reevan 29. Juli 2024 um 14:04 
oh right you were given a mace after beating the tower i forgot about it,
thanks for the help
No prob, You will need to equip it before attacking the rocks to get through.
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