Devil May Cry HD Collection

Devil May Cry HD Collection

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PlatinumGames Discord
Hello, everyone.

I am part of a new server dedicated to PlatinumGames. We are a new server that is trying to grow and are looking for fans of PlatinumGames and crazy action games like DMC in general. PlatinumGames spans directors from Hideki Kamiya (Resident Evil 2, Okami, Bayonetta, Devil May Cry), Shinji Mikami (no longer with them, but The Evil Within, Resident Evil 4, Vanquish), Kenji Saito (Metal Gear Rising, Transformers: Devastation), and more. PlatinumGames also spans people dating back to Capcom Production Studio 4 and Clover Studio. If you are a fan of these developers, directors, and PlatinumGames in general, please join us!

Thanks for reading!
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blade 10.3.2018 klo 13.43 
node357 lähetti viestin:
i would, but i suspect the nintendo switch fanboys will be all over it trolling pc players. have you looked at the bayo forum on steam lately? to each their own, but the less i have to listen to condemnations for playing games on a computer, the better.

We're not only going for Nintendo or PC players. We're trying to spread the Discord as far and wide as possible.
When they add Scalebound on there, I'll join. :blissful_creep:
blade 17.3.2018 klo 16.54 
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