Zombidle Mini-FAQ!

  1. Where are the communities?
  2. How do I play on Mobile/Web/etc?
  3. How do I find/create X?
  4. Where can I watch development?
  5. Why has my event currency stopped dropping?
  6. I found a bug/exploit, what do I do?
  7. I need help with my save/game!
  8. Useful links

1.Where are the communities?

The biggest communities for Zombidle are our Discord (which can be found here: http://www.berzerkstudio.com/discord) and our subreddit (which can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Zombidle/)!

2.How do I play on Mobile/Web/etc?

Here is a step-by-step guide to moving to a cross-platform account :)

3.How do I find/create X?

The Zombidle Wiki[zombidle.wikia.com] is regularly updated by our community and within it, you can find pretty much everything you need to know about maps, challenges, recipes, and more!

4.Where can I watch development?

At this time, Kojaktsl (the main programmer) typically streams over on his Twitch[www.twitch.tv] Monday, Wednesday, and Friday between 12pm EST to 2pm EST, although times can vary :)

5.Why has my event currency stopped dropping?

If there is a event going on where there is a currency drop, it's typically set up in a soft-cap format where the game tracks your total currency vs how much it expects you to have; during this, it modifies your drop chance. You'll have a low drop chance if you are caught up/past the expected currency amount and inversely, your drop chance will increase if you are behind where it thinks you should be. In the current system, your currency drop chance can never be 0% and remember, houses drop currency, not villagers :)

A great community resource can be found here[docs.google.com] and it's typically updated when a new currency event launches - you can use it to input your currency items and it can give an estimate on the current cap.

6.I found a bug/exploit, what do I do?

If you've come across a bug or exploit, you have two avenues. The first is to check the posted Bug Thread on the subreddit to see if someone else has posted it there - if they have, feel free to upvote it or comment advising you are also seeing the same bug.

The second avenue (and the preferred avenue for exploits) is to contact us via our support email: feedback@zombidle.com, here are the following items that we love getting with reports:
  • Platform Affected (Kong, Zombidle.com, Android, Steam, etc)
  • Browser (if applicable):
  • Did you experience this bug in a previous version?
  • Details of the bug (what happens vs what is expected):
  • Is it reproducable? If so, what are the steps?

7.I need help with my save/game!

If you need assistance with your game/save where it needs a developers touch (game crashing, in-app not awarded, etc), then please shoot us a message at our support email, feedback@zombidle.com! We try to respond as soon as we get them, but sometimes our responses can be delayed a few days, but we will get to them!

We sometimes unfortunately don't see or can't respond to posts made on Steam/Subreddit/Discord etc when players are having issues, so we ask that you email us directly, that way we can ensure we don't miss you! Typically we'll need to finish our help via email anyways, so it makes the process smoother for everyone - we greatly appreciate it!

8.Useful links

Here are a few great links that you may find handy at some point or another:

Thank you everyone for your continued support!
最近の変更はLarklenが行いました; 2018年2月13日 16時55分
投稿日: 2018年2月13日 16時29分
投稿数: 0