Bosses insane hp stats
I've been getting bosses with wierd hp stats, for example the icy fairy spawns with 528,700hp, I have difficulty level at 1, and all the videos I've seen have no more than 40k, any tips?
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I had in mind 300-400k more than 500 but it may well be 500.
for the video you saw, difficult without seeing it.
if you look for bosses with 10-50k hp
In land map, look for ruins in jungle or magic biom
In sky map, look for ruins in biome with argentavis, raptor... or magic biom

did you kill the ice elemental at entrance of ice castles? he have less 100k too

ah, and ruins are only in essentially south part of maps,
Last edited by ikhoudvanjou; 3 Apr @ 2:40pm
my ice fairy has 600k+ hp
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