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UrvogelGames  [dezvoltator] 7 ian. 2018 la 12:28
Patch 1.5.2005
Hey everyone!

This patch adds several refinements and improvements to existing systems, as well as some optimizations and bug fixes. Please continue reporting any issues or feedback on our Steam discussions page or our Discord[].

  • Animals will no longer ignore attacks
  • Stamina being consumed after going into water while sprinting
  • Menus sometimes being unresponsive
  • Exiting the Encyclopedia no longer changes video options.
  • Palaeosaniwa no longer play biting sounds without animations.
  • Crocodilians no longer walk on water while chasing player
  • Save and modal menus sometimes persisting after loading
  • Save files sometimes not displaying
  • Being unable to sit while using scent

  • Vegetation rendering optimized
  • Complete rework to jumping mechanics
    • Hold spacebar to gain some altitude after jumping
    • Hold spacebar to manually correct path
      • Use mouse to rotate mid-air
      • Use WASD to correct path mid-air
  • Freshwater-saltwater transition now accurately reflected by drinkable water
  • Tyrannosaurus is now better at eating small corpses.
  • Stamina consumption values for jumping
  • Tyrannosaurs will no longer scavenge animals that are very small, such as Chamops
  • Corpses now float
  • Crocodilians and Palaeosaniwa are now easier to land attacks on
  • Adult and Subadult Dakotaraptor can lean down closer to the ground when targeting
  • Swapped out old horsetails for new super optimized ones
  • Horsetails now spawn in proper numbers in the swamp
  • Cleaned up vegetation that was unnecessarily spawning under the water in some areas

  • Automatic course correction when attempting to start RPR
  • Triceratops and Pachycephalosaurus can now spawn in herds and pair-bonded couples respectively.
  • All dinosaurs now have peripheral and binocular vision, with different ranges and acuities
  • A secret for overambitious swimmers