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UrvogelGames  [developer] 14 Aug, 2017 @ 4:26pm
Patch 1.2.1555
Hi everyone!
This patch brings a bunch of new fixes, changes, and a new animal for you to munch on. We recommend starting a new game to negate the effects of some bugs listed here.
For anybody still encountering the 0-1 FPS bug, please follow the following instructions:
  • Navigate to Steam/steamapps/common/Saurian/CommonRedist
  • Double click on “install.cmd”
We will be automating this process soon; if this fix does not work for you, please let us know. Otherwise, we hope you enjoy the update!

  • Dakotaraptor no longer gain extra weight and attack power when saving and loading
  • Blood decals should no longer have green patches
  • Meat will no longer fall through the ground when dropped
  • Acheroraptor will no longer be stuck on load
  • Acheroraptor can no longer swallow hatchling Dakotaraptor whole
  • Player no longer gains thirst when standing next to water while holding food
  • Custom controls will now be saved correctly between sessions
  • Tyrannosaurus can no longer swallow young Sub-Adult Dakotaraptor whole
  • Fixed scent key rebind not working
  • Hatchling AI Dakotaraptor will no longer get stuck in circles while following parents.
  • Reduced chances of swim bug happening (Player getting phased in and out of water rapidly).
  • Character select screen now displays properly for ultra-wide resolutions
  • Sex select and back buttons on character select screen should no longer appear off screen at resolutions greater than 1920x1080
  • Player Look IK not overriding properly when drinking
  • Juvenile Dakotaraptor not flapping while in RPR
  • Player will now look at prey even when they are not hungry
  • Player will be dehydrated by drinking saltwater
  • Blood will wash off when animals go swimming
  • Color-correction and lighting improved, especially at night.
  • Reduced minimum camera sensitivity
  • Changed default trot toggle from capslock to Q
  • Adjusted jumping strength values for Hatchling and Juvenile
  • Bluffs/cliffs around the edges map have been adjusted to act as a more natural barrier.
  • The northern beach has been smoothed and is no longer unnaturally steep
  • The swamp biomes around the map have improved tree placement (Taxodium trees are now grouped together instead of randomly scattered and have their density reduced)
  • Groups of palms are now smaller and less frequent in the clearings
  • Increased Chamops scent node drop rate from every 20 seconds to every 10 seconds
  • Game now pauses when tabbed out
  • Reduced brightness of sand texture
  • Slight increase to Chamops hitbox for easier hunting
  • Bone Butte bird can now be found by rivers and the beach
  • Cypress knees, taxodium saplings, and zizyphus shrubs are now present