Assassin's Creed Origins

Assassin's Creed Origins

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15 mag 2018, ore 8:02
Assassin's Creed Origins - 1.5.1 Patch Notes
Informazioni complete sull'evento disponibili qui:
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Visualizzazione di 1-15 commenti su 107
Un nouveau DLC ça serait vach'té coolos , ah que ouais !!!....:ACO_Tomb:
hmm... no download so far. Waiting for it. Thanks Ubi! :D:
Does this patch fix the crash problem? that is the biggest issue.
Thanks for the update!
"Improved performance" runs much worse now :(
no, it runs better. actually the patch isn't live on Steam yet is it?
It's still v1.5 for me and thus we can see that people like "Tricky Assassin" above are trolls.^^
Could you please give us an Option to get rid of the ACP Watermark ingame?
Fix Surgical Strikes achievement please! pls
Never quit Denuvo so
Is there any big upgrade DLC like hidden ones and the pharha ? Wallet can't wait to pull money to Ubi hhhhh
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Data di pubblicazione: 15 mag 2018, ore 8:02
Messaggi: 107