Assassin's Creed Origins

Assassin's Creed Origins

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No Reda Quest and No Trial of GOD's Quest
There is a problem like this right now, the missions are not visible.
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Showing 1-15 of 137 comments
shrycaiko 26 Jul @ 10:21am 
yes having the same problem hope its solved soon
This happens from time to time but it gets resolved quickly.
True but this is Ubisoft... there reputation doesn't favor them
but take my opinion with a grain of salt I'm pretty new
Last edited by shrycaiko; 26 Jul @ 1:37pm
I've been logging into the game everyday since this tuesday and haven't see any Reda neither trial of the gods quest to be picked up, this is so lame.
yep i'm waiting for it to be fixed to feel kinda backstabbed
Basan™ 27 Jul @ 12:01pm 
For the love of whichever deities you pray into... and pardon the forking Franch here.
There already was a recent thread about this very same subject upon this very section and with links to its specific "Player Support" sub-forum section. :winter2019tiredbulb:

And provided that Ubi$oft's "Support" site[] only accepts a single open case from each customer at a time, even if they encounter multiple problems in several of their games at the same time, may I please urge you the favour to head theere and also open a "support ticket" like many of us did? :hotline: :steamfacepalm:
That will also help Ubi$oft realise that they've got a real issue on their hands and just not a few unhappy customers with a single bigs game breaking issue. And thanks in advance for your cooperation and undertanding too, B. :arcstone:

And so sorry for eventually not sounding very polite when it comes to this matter but, highly alas for me at least, I've been through this process several times and quite frankly from ever since 2013 or so Ubi$oft's "Support" rarely, if any at all, provided me with real solution to the problem that I bringing to them alongside many others.

And thus, also please, in the future take a better time choosing upon which company's games you'll give your heard earned cash because from ever the year I've told you about their game's quality as been plummetting like a plain's crash landing and on the opposite side of it, each game's assorted in-Game's Stores have been rising up with their "pay to progress faster" and "aesthetical packs that relate nothing to the franchise in question" current low ethical Ubi$oft's game developing business model.
(I.e.: Obtain maximum profit from a game with the least amount of effort tossed into it, even if that means relasing games rushed out of development[] and so on assorted ilk ethical behavioural patterns.) :steamthumbsdown:
Last edited by Basan™; 27 Jul @ 12:03pm
basan if your taking to me i have already sent a message to ubioft support way before this i am simply only talking in multiple threads because In my mind the threads with the most activity have a better chance of being seen by support and developers.
I can't open a support ticket because I have some account problems
not to mention I did my research on Ubisoft i never thought the servers would be a problem.

If you're not talking to me sorry for being a little aggressive
Last edited by shrycaiko; 27 Jul @ 2:16pm
Basan™ 27 Jul @ 5:15pm 
Of course, I wasn't adressing you ShryCaiko. :baa:
But rather the OP and that other participant upon this thread who prefer to instantly post without checking if there's a recent, similar thread's topic going upon that matter. And doign that is simply a 'brilliant' display of egocentrism, if you don't mind me saying. :winter2019tiredbulb:

And, imho, when facing large companies we always should look united to face to display an organizational factor instead of each speaking its own mind upon spreaded threads with the same subject and purpose goals in mind (which is to get the problem solved asap). :winter2019happybulb:
So if i read that correct we should all be in one thread at the same time to project a more organized force. If so, maybe when other threads on the issue pop up we can guide them to a certain thread that acts as a sort of command center. which thread that would be i don't know but if we were able to direct upcoming threads on the same topic in one direction we may be more successful. Good point basan
Since this problem is new, I opened this topic. There is no point in reviving topics from years ago.
yes but other threads like the itsbluke on presented the issue already so maybe if we connectrated more attention to one instead of multiple threads it would be easier to communicate and orginise
We will discuss who opened a topic here or will we focus on solving the problem?
Bourbon 27 Jul @ 8:24pm 
Same Issue, also I have noticed that before , you could see photos of other players on the map that's no longer a thing... like all online services were removed... which would be a slap in the face coming from Ubisoft with no previous heads up, but I doubt is that... hopefully this reaches to Ubisoft and they get a fix in soon.
Last edited by Bourbon; 27 Jul @ 8:26pm
Basan™ 27 Jul @ 11:54pm 
Originally posted by siberiaN:
Since this problem is new, I opened this topic. There is no point in reviving topics from years ago.

Ergo, my keywords usage was "recent thread with similar subject/topic". :baa:

But apparently, being concise and rather obvious, when typing my own wordings may be a lost factor upon some even if I also ain't an English native speaker as many might think at 1st glance when you see my posts. :pandastunned:
Last edited by Basan™; 28 Jul @ 12:12am
Having the exact same issue and no "Gift From The Gods" quest as well. Should I submit a request with ubisoft
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