Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop

Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Mithrand  [developer] 24 Sep, 2022 @ 6:45am
Keep it respectful
Etiquette and discussions

On this forum, we can discuss everything about the game we play.

Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop is a free game, maintained by the community in free time. Because the game is open source, everyone can contribute.


In this game, the community has a say in everything, but this doesn't mean everything can be said. Feedback and participation are highly appreciated, as long as it is constructive and follows the Steam Forum Rules.

If you have a great new idea or are unhappy about a change and have suggestions, feel free to open a thread, but keep things respectful to each other. Don't be disappointed if a feature doesn't make it. Insults, death threats, slander, derailing, and flaming are not the way to go. It might even backfire because, without volunteers, there is no game and development stops.

After all, everyone here is only a volunteer, willing to spend their free time improving a game, for you and everyone else to enjoy. We are not paid in any way to do this, we do this in our spare time.

Steam Conduct

For more information about the rules on this forum, you can visit:

In game

These basic rules apply to both the forums, as well in public lobbies.

If you encounter a toxic player in the game, that violates the Steam Conduct mentioned above, you can report that player. It is important to report the player in-game from the Steam overlay if you do.

In addition, you can file a ticket at but only if you have previously reported the player in-game with above method. Submissions without a Steam report will be closed.


If you are interested in contributing to the game, check out this page for some pointers on how to get started:
Last edited by Mithrand; 28 Nov, 2023 @ 11:46pm