phee 16 Oct, 2024 @ 1:39pm
stuck on how to get past this error screen?
After i beat the first boss and the cutscene where they shoot down the boss happens, the screen is flooded with warning messages, and nothing i can do seem to change that.
see for what it looks like. How am I supposed to progress?
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B1tF1ghter 17 Oct, 2024 @ 1:50am 
It's not a bug. It's part of the game. As for how to proceed - I don't remember frankly.
But IT IS part of the game...

Does your game crash afterwards or something ??
Did you TRY clicking around things in game?
phee 17 Oct, 2024 @ 8:56am 
It didn't crash but it stays stuck on the warning screens, and clicking around and pressing every button didn't work the first two times, it happened, but i just tried it again, but this time without my controller plugged in (which also fixed the fact that Icey would dash whenever i held any movement keys, so maybe the issue was just my controller the entire time), and the screen went away i clicked around and did a bunch of keysmashing. Anyway thanks for the reply!
B1tF1ghter 17 Oct, 2024 @ 9:26am 
Awesome ^__^

Reg the controller.
What kind of controller is it?
And are you using any translation layers? ( eg DS4Windows )

And just to confirm:
You are using Windows, correct ?
phee 18 Oct, 2024 @ 7:38am 
I wasn't using windows or any translation software, and the controller was a ps4 play controller (that also had a sorta broken top right trigger button) , and I just finished the game and didn't run into any other problems along the way.
B1tF1ghter 19 Oct, 2024 @ 4:25pm 
Originally posted by phee:
I wasn't using windows or any translation software
I meant Windows operating system - you know - the trashy software product from Microsoft that most people are too gaslighted to even fathom a possibility of living without...
I'm going to blindly assume that you did indeed use Windows - but I wanted to ask for the off-chance you are one of those Linux / Mac users who simply forget to mention that when reporting their problems / asking for help...

Originally posted by phee:
the controller was a ps4 play controller
I'm going to assume you meant Dualshock 4...

Originally posted by phee:
that also had a sorta broken top right trigger button
You can get replacement parts from China pretty easily if you would want to fix that someday... Just fyi ;)
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