HEBEREKE!: March! Red Army Girls' Brigade

HEBEREKE!: March! Red Army Girls' Brigade

I have a problem.
Tengo un problema, cuando intento iniciar en STEAM, aparece este mensaje.

I have a problem, when I try to start in STEAM, this message appears.


Las palabras en japones son por que el unicode de mi computadora esta en japones, con el unicode normal las palabras en japones son signos de interrogacion.

Esto parece ser un problema de STEAM, por que cuando lo inicio desde la carpeta del juego, el juego inicia sin problemas.

Yo lo desinstale y reinstale varias veces y el problema persiste.

¿Alguna idea de que podria ser? ¿Las actualizaciones que vengan de STEAM se veran afectadas?

Este problema solo ocurre con este juego.

The words in Japanese are because the unicode of my computer is in Japanese, with the normal unicode the words in Japanese are question marks.

This seems to be a STEAM problem, because when I start it from the game folder, the game starts without problems.

I uninstall and reinstall it several times and the problem persists.

Any idea what it could be? Will updates coming from STEAM be affected?

This problem only happens with this game.
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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
Henteko Doujin  [developer] 30 Jun, 2017 @ 9:57am 
Hello, it seems to be a problem with language code converter and steam client.
It may happen in rare condition, and we are not sure how it happens.
So run the game without using steam client.
Last edited by Henteko Doujin; 30 Jun, 2017 @ 10:49am
Ok thanks for answering me.
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Date Posted: 25 Jun, 2017 @ 2:19pm
Posts: 2