Emily is Away Too

Emily is Away Too

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Custom Feminine Names for Protagonist
Okay, not having context to what sexuality or gender the protagonist is intended to have made the narrative incredibly confusing when selecting a name that presents as female at the beginning.

For example, does my character cause every female to drop boyfriends and hook up with her instead? :X

Second playthrough made more sense when sticking to the default name which presents as male. ^_^

Anyone else have this mishap?
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b. 2 juil. 2020 à 19h06 
i chose a feminine name both times i played through the game and never felt that it was awkward - the dialogue generally feels pretty gender-neutral, with some player lines even reading more feminine than anything with the extra vowels making certain things sound more cutesy ('aweee'), at least to me. i also clicked through some of the default names just to see what there was and i got a couple of female names like naomi, so they're not all masculine.

sexuality isn't discussed for emily or evelyn so it's not crazy to think that they could fall in love with a supportive girl friend who likes all of the same stuff that they do and helped them get through rough times! they could both be bi or pan sexual for all we know. it would have been really disappointing to get to like, the fourth chapter and have either of them go "wow, i would totally date you if you were a guy! too bad i'm not into girls lol.".
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