Emily is Away Too

Emily is Away Too

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Emily Online isn't working
There's been few threads on the problem that Emily Online only appears as a little bar. Does Emily Online work for anyone else? How would I fix this problem? I uninstalled the game and installed it again, and even checked the game's integrity, and it still won't work. I'm on Windows 10. I really want to use the chat skin. It worked when I used it once before :(
Dernière modification de KeiYuri; 25 mai 2020 à 13h53
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Have you tried to play the app from Steam? Access your library, press on Emily is away too and when you press play it should show you an option menu, where you can select whether you want to play the game or open Emily online, I hope I was helpful, in case you still use this, I'd like to chat with some other people that have the game! :D
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