The House of Da Vinci

The House of Da Vinci

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Heitor Villa-Lobos 2024년 3월 8일 오후 4시 34분
Da Vinci was a geek
He would definitely use a libre operating system that respected his right to tinker.

Just sayain...
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bytesback 2024년 7월 8일 오후 3시 37분 
Don't be silly, he would have come up with his own
Heitor Villa-Lobos 2024년 7월 8일 오후 6시 53분 
No, you're being silly. You are commenting without knowing the slightest thing about Free/Libre & Open-Source Software or criative processes.

FLOSS allows you to "come up with your own" without having to reinvent the wheel.

da Vinci didn't create everything from 0. Much on the contrary, he built on many ideas and designs from great minds before him and from nature itself.

L'uomo vitruviano, for example, was a dialogue with Vitruvio (and others), from which he also derived many of his Architectural works.

To think a mastermind lives in a vacuum and invents out of thin air is sheer foolery.
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