Iggy  [開発者] 2020年6月19日 0時17分
Reporting bugs
In case you found a bug, please follow the steps depending on its type. However, be sure the problem is not on your end.

Before reporting, please do the following steps:

Level design bugs:
  • Have you found a bug related to the level design? Anything from floating vegetations, holes in the terrain, or being unable to climb ladders - please report those in the following way:

  • Walk up to the affected area, closer the better.

  • Press CTRL + C

  • Open notepad or create a bug thread and press CTRL + V to paste your current location.

  • For example:

    Able to climb ladder from opposite side of the wall at bootcamp... location: {X=239319.344 Y=-42170.848 Z=25081.572|P=59.553474 Y=328.709351 R=0.000000}

  • Reporting level design bugs in this way saves us a lot of time, so we don't have to walk for hours around the level to find an exact location of the problem. Thanks in advance!

Reporting other bugs:
  • A bug needs to be reproducable multiple times in order for us to fix it. You can help us by submitting the following information:

  • Example of exact reproduction steps:

    1) Place and fill barbed spike traps
    2) Bury them
    3) Restart the server
    4) After the server restarted, the traps will be unburied.

    A video of the bug if you have it, as well as any relevant screenshots!

  • If the bug relates to a location, please copy and paste the location (as shown in the "Level design bugs" section).

  • Try the bug out on different official servers, and in singleplayer as well.

  • Important! Please include the DxDiag report file. To get the file, press the Win key on your keyboard, type "DxDiag" and then "Save All Information".

  • Please post a new thread with on the bug reports forum.
最近の変更はIggyが行いました; 2020年9月29日 0時25分
投稿日: 2020年6月19日 0時17分
投稿数: 0
