Ultimate General: Civil War

Ultimate General: Civil War

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Fredericksburg Follies
Just got to Fredericksburg as the Union - you start by trying to cross 2 pontoon bridges to the town in the early-morning gloom. You get 3 brigades, the Rebels have an infantry brigade and several skirmisher groups in the town. I initially tried this with 1 infantry brigade, 1 heavy artillery group, and a sharpshooter regiment. We got manhandled, mostly. Spotting is basically too poor for fire support. I'm thinking about trying it again rushing 2 melee-experienced brigades across simultaneously. Anyone have thoughts on what worked for them?
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Showing 1-10 of 10 comments
CrashToDesktop 31 Aug, 2017 @ 3:23pm 
Just plant 3 infantry brigades across the river, detach skirmishers as bullet sponges, then charge all 6 units across against the single Rebel infantry brigade, capture the town, and move on.

Or you can just not attack the town in the first place and just run out the timer. I don't like doing that because it's not "proper", but it's on the table if you want.
Didz 31 Aug, 2017 @ 3:34pm 
I detached skirmishers and sent one brigade with its skirmishers to cross the river to the south, to come up and flank the defenders in the town. Then once the enemy were trying to deal with that i sent an attack over both bridges at once screened by skirmishers.
Last edited by Didz; 31 Aug, 2017 @ 3:49pm
Ganja 31 Aug, 2017 @ 5:58pm 
+1 to didz idea. worked like a charm for me few days ago
cromagnonman2k 31 Aug, 2017 @ 6:38pm 
Originally posted by Didz:
I detached skirmishers and sent one brigade with its skirmishers to cross the river to the south, to come up and flank the defenders in the town. Then once the enemy were trying to deal with that i sent an attack over both bridges at once screened by skirmishers.

It looks like you waited until the rest of the division came up. Once my reserves came up, I just ran 2 brigades across each bridge and the Rebs melted away.
Didz 1 Sep, 2017 @ 3:06am 
Originally posted by cromagnonman2k:
Originally posted by Didz:
I detached skirmishers and sent one brigade with its skirmishers to cross the river to the south, to come up and flank the defenders in the town. Then once the enemy were trying to deal with that i sent an attack over both bridges at once screened by skirmishers.

It looks like you waited until the rest of the division came up. Once my reserves came up, I just ran 2 brigades across each bridge and the Rebs melted away.
No! I started with three brigades. The reinforcements didn't arrive until after I'd captured the objective.

Perhaps it depends on difficulty level. This is at BG difficulty.

[Note: If I remember rightly in the original play through I had an artillery brigade instead of one of the infantry ones. But in that instance I just sent the detached skirmishers around the southern bridge, and I had the advantage of artillery support for the main bridge assault.]]
Last edited by Didz; 1 Sep, 2017 @ 3:08am
cromagnonman2k 1 Sep, 2017 @ 5:46am 
Oh, my bad, I didn't realize at first glance that all those extra units were skirmishers
cromagnonman2k 1 Sep, 2017 @ 12:31pm 
I thought using the lower bridge would be gamey, so I just rushed it with 2 brigades, lost maybe 8%.

The whole Fredericksburg deal was kind of spoiled by the way the field was divided. For the Prospect Hill part I sent 2/3 of my force against the little salient fortification on the upper left with minimal swamp, then rolled up their line southeast past the VP. For Marye's Heights, I used skirmishers (poor fellas) to develop the enemy line, then sent a little more than 1/3 of my force to hit their isolated brigade near the creek to the south. Once I'd broken through, this time rolled up their line from south to north, bringing brigades out of the town en echelon to hit each strongpoint perpendicular to my flanking force's line of approach. Pretty successful, a few units got chewed up, but mostly a big win.
I think it would have been harder had the whole field been in play. The hard borders basically let me split my army in divergind directions leaving a pittance of a covering force between. Both wings would have been exposed to enfilade fire from the Rebel center had it been in play before my two wings had achieved decisive results on the wings.
The Greg Machine 1 Sep, 2017 @ 6:16pm 
If you have 3+ corps, Fredericksburg would be an incredible breeze as a large map. It'd be really easy to envelope and capture or completely destroyed the rebs at Prospect, and after that it would be a forgone conclusion to whittle down the brigades at Marye's heights.
cromagnonman2k 1 Sep, 2017 @ 6:50pm 
Originally posted by The Greg Machine:
If you have 3+ corps, Fredericksburg would be an incredible breeze as a large map. It'd be really easy to envelope and capture or completely destroyed the rebs at Prospect, and after that it would be a forgone conclusion to whittle down the brigades at Marye's heights.

That's basically what happened anyway, except I was able to outflank them from their center
I revive this thread!

I deployed two INF BDE (1842 Springfield) and one ART BDE (12pd Howitzer).

Posture the two INF in a concave formation and split their skirmishers to go around to the south. Use one of your INF BDE or your general to lure the enemy without engaging. All you need is for them to see you. Then, they will rush out like worms in a storm. Reposition your INF as you need to mitigate damage and gain maximum damage. Use your skirmishers to harass and help route/capture the enemy.

Doing this, between both of my INF BDEs I lost about 200 Soldiers, while routing their entire force of about 2.5k. Didn't even need the reinforcements. Even the Howitzer got like 500 kills.
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