Fishing: Barents Sea

Fishing: Barents Sea

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Woober  [developer] 25 Jun, 2020 @ 4:11am
Our sequel game Fishing: North Atlantic is coming 16th of October
Check out our coming sequel of Fishing: Barents Sea, that is coming out now 16th of October!

Now you can add it to your Steam's wishlist :steamhappy:
Last edited by Woober; 2 Oct, 2020 @ 12:48pm
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Showing 1-15 of 28 comments
DELBOYCY6 26 Jun, 2020 @ 4:04pm 
Will this be multiplayer?
terry 27 Jun, 2020 @ 5:44am 
Originally posted by DELBOYCY6:
Will this be multiplayer?
Cragger 29 Jun, 2020 @ 3:21pm 
PLEASE give us the option to disable motion blur without disabling all the other post processing settings. And Pretty Please path Barents to do the same.

I loath the ghosting effect that happens when the fps dips like watching some sort of cartoon The Flash. The human eye doesn't even see motion blur like this, it's purely a film thing. So please give us the option.
Redberry.twiggy 30 Jun, 2020 @ 12:30pm 
Is this means u guys will not make more improvements on Fishing Barents Sea..?
Woober  [developer] 1 Jul, 2020 @ 1:41am 
@Cragger Ghosting is something Unreal Engine is struggling with, we have tried to minimize it as much as we can!
@Redberry.Twiggy Our new game will have a lot of improvements and new things, we will ofcourse fix any major issues in FBS
Jakefruit 1 Jul, 2020 @ 9:05am 
You could have at least fixed the first game before moving on...
Woober  [developer] 2 Jul, 2020 @ 5:41am 
@Widdywat Yeah, we're look into fixing some issues, but due to several reasons its very hard for us to do much right now. We might look into this more, after releasing our new game. Our planned patch for PC broke all the savegames, we need time to investigate more.
Cragger 2 Jul, 2020 @ 2:42pm 
I appreciate that you held off on an update that would have broken save files. That sort of thing can really kill off a community for a simulation like this. I hope you can find answers though with everything that is going on in the world it's hard to get things done atm.
29points 15 Jul, 2020 @ 8:07am 
Sounds great!! Fun relaxing games..
Humpback Whale 85 17 Aug, 2020 @ 4:13pm 
Really looking forward to your new game. I used to be a fisheries observer aboard trawlers in Massachusetts. But it sure will be nice to pretend to run the vessel rather than just measure record/ all the catch on it! :steamhappy:
Last edited by Humpback Whale 85; 17 Aug, 2020 @ 4:14pm
Major B.Kloppt 24 Aug, 2020 @ 9:30am 
Game feels unfinished and is full of bugs, the "sequel" comes 2 years later and judging by the Trailer its all the same but new map and new ships. Its the same Engine aswell.
I love your game and the idea but i dislike your decisions on Marketing.
DLC´s feels like a ripoff, thin and added to a unfinished game.
Sequels coming quite fast and probably will end the work on the first Game.
Woober  [developer] 24 Aug, 2020 @ 10:43am 
@Humpback Whale 85 Thanks :D
@Major B.Kloppt What are the issue with our marketing? Other companies releasing the same game every year, while Fishing: Barents Sea was our first PC game, made by a very small team of 5 people. We had no experience when we started, which made it very hard for us to keep adding and updating our game, but we did our best, releasing over 60 patches during these years. In our new game we started almost from scratch, to ensure we could do a better and bigger fishing experience than before. Most people seems to be happy with our game incl. our DLC's that added some extra content which was highly requested.
Originally posted by Woober:
@Humpback Whale 85 Thanks :D
@Major B.Kloppt What are the issue with our marketing? Other companies releasing the same game every year, while Fishing: Barents Sea was our first PC game, made by a very small team of 5 people. We had no experience when we started, which made it very hard for us to keep adding and updating our game, but we did our best, releasing over 60 patches during these years. In our new game we started almost from scratch, to ensure we could do a better and bigger fishing experience than before. Most people seems to be happy with our game incl. our DLC's that added some extra content which was highly requested.
I love your game, I love the DLCs and I can't wait for the sequel. It's a great simulation! I dream of writing a tug boat simulation.
I'm graduating software engineering bootcamp on the 4th, can I come work with you guys? Need an intern?
aolas68 2 Sep, 2020 @ 9:03am 
Big Respect to the Dev's that they are answering here some questions not only the nice ones :)
Megabearcub 2 Sep, 2020 @ 7:52pm 
Your website says the game comes out in September, but the steam store page says October, so which is correct?
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