

Statistiken ansehen:
Screen off-center when Fullscreen or Maximized
I have this situation, on the opening animation there is a black bar below the video, touching the top border of the monitor. But during gameplay, it has a black bar above the game space, and an equivalent area the sizse of the top black bar is cropped on the bottom part of the monitor, alowing the mouse to be there, but losing the text that I can only see the a small portion of the top of the bottom text.

Also, I probably shouldn't be posting here because I'm playing it on Epic (which doesn't have a forum, any form of social structure, achievements, a f*ing shopping cart, and pretty much is lacking about everything except "gaemz").

Could someone please help?
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I have the same issue with a 144 HZ Ultrawide monitor. I was able to fix the choppiness by limitting Frame Rate in Nvidia Control Panel to 60 FPS but I have not been able to fix the offcenter issue without manually resizing the window. Manual resizing however clips some parts of the screen.
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