I have a question about the game speed (time compression)
I have a question about the game speed (time compression)

I am a South Korean citizen, so I used Google Translate.

I bought this game in the past, but it was too slow to play, but I recently started playing it because it seems to have improved a little.

The game ran well in the beginning in the North Sea in 1939, but after being deployed to a naval base in France in 1940, it became very slow even when using time compression when moving.

Even because of enemy ships or enemy planes that are not visible around, I cannot use functions such as x15000 time compression, and at best, I only use x48, x140 functions, so it takes more than a few minutes to travel 10km.

It is impossible to play the game conveniently.

This may be because the battlefield is wide and there is a lot of data to process, but I think there needs to be a way to improve unnecessary and excessive data for users who play alone.

게임 속도에 관해서 문의드립니다(시간압축)

저는 남한 국민이라 구글번역기를 사용했습니다.

과거 이 게임을 구매했지만, 너무 느려서 플레이를 못하다가, 최근 조금 개선되었는지 플레이를 하게 되었습니다.

1939년 북해에서의 초반 부분은 게임이 잘 구동되었지만, 1940년 프랑스로 해군기지로 배치된 후 이동시 시간 압축을 사용해도 매우 느려졌습니다.

심지어 주변에 잘보이지도 않는 적선박 혹은 적 비행기로 인해 x15000 시간압축 같은 기능을 사용하지 못하게 되고, 기껏해야 x48, x140 기능만을 사용하니 10km를 가는데도 몇분이 넘게 걸립니다.

편리한 게임 수행이 불가능합니다.

이게 전장이 넓어져서 처리할 데이터가 많아서 그럴수도 있겠지만, 혼자서 플레이하는 유저들을 위해서라도 불필요한 과대한 데이터를 좀 개선하는 방법이 필요하지 않을까 싶습니다.
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Reduce all graphics options to minimums. That is the only thing that worked for me. It is still a decent experience with minimum graphics.
I think I see the problem. Is that game very, very slow but the number of images per second stable? If so, the game may actually be paused. Try using spacebar or loading an earlier save.
Even on the fastest computers the higher time compressions are turned-off in specific situations, so when approaching ports, with many ships around even not visible to you etc. you can go with the 2-3 first TCs but not more, the x1500 cannot be used. Has nothing to do with your computer, this is turned off by design.
Once out of render range of objects that can hamper performance, all TCs are available again.
Last edited by japp_02; 5 hours ago
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