Mount & Blade: Warband

Mount & Blade: Warband

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Viking conquest keeps crashing to desktop when I try to load a save
So I've been playing viking conquest for a while now and was seriously getting into a new playthrough when in the later stages of the game I decided to save. However every time I try to load said save now it just crashes to desktop on the loading screen. I've copied the save files and reinstalled the game, but to no success. Would the save file likely be corrupted?
Any suggestions?

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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
FourGreenFields 2 Dec, 2018 @ 11:23am 
My suggestion is to keep 2 files per playthrough, and alternate saving between them. That way you lose less when it happens.
Brytenwalda Studios  [developer] 6 Dec, 2018 @ 2:58am 
Maybe your savegame got corrupted. You remember that Warband store your latest savegame in your viking saves folder as: last_savegame_backup.sav. You rename it to sg01.sav or other and load it.
WarHøg 19 Dec, 2019 @ 8:10pm 
Originally posted by Brytenwalda:
Maybe your savegame got corrupted. You remember that Warband store your latest savegame in your viking saves folder as: last_savegame_backup.sav. You rename it to sg01.sav or other and load it.
that did not work for me. lot hours of gameplay because of your bad programming
Antidote 16 Jul @ 7:59am 
Vikinq conquest modunda her save'e girdiğinizde çökme yaşıyorsanız; Belgeler/Mound and Blade Save klosöründeki sg00 klosörünüze silmeniz gerekiyor. last_game_backup.sav dosyasının adını ise sg00 olarak değiştirin ben sorunu bu şekilde çözdüm. Bunu yapmamızın sebebi son saveimiz anormal bir şekilde kaydedilmiş olmasıdır warband dinamiklerine uygun olmadığı için bu moddda crash verir biz son save dosyamızı silip saveden bir önceki kaydedilen dosyamızı ana save dosyamız yapıyoruz bu yöntemle ve sorun çözülmüş oluyor.
try open a new game or play different mode. u want to know if its save file or the game itself
Same happened to me with both Native and "native" Viking Conquest Reforged on GFN:
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