Transport Fever

Transport Fever

Προβολή στατιστικών:
would be nice if they did a port to console I first got in to and first time trying this franchise on Xbox I just got number 2 on steam so I can play on the go on my rig ally
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TpF2 is a better more refined iteration so there is no real need to port this older game to consoles.
Probably not very feasible due to it using a custom game engine, I'd imagine it would create headaches.

A lot of studio's outsource console porting to other studios that have more experience in navigating this, UG being small probably don't have the staff to do it internally and external studio's won't have any experience with their custom game engine.
I understand that but be good in a sence that console players get to enjoy the beginigs of it
Old game with very few recent sales and very few people still playing, and that has a well established sequel which completely superseedes this version, and already has console support.

90 or so people are playing TpF1 at the moment, compared with 3.7k+ for TpF2.

Chances of any updates, let alone a major undertaking such as this, is zero, as it would make little sense financially.

TpF2 does virtually everything that TpF1 do, and much more, anyway.
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από Tsubame ⭐; 31 Οκτ 2024, 16:47
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