Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Harassment Conducted by the Privileged Class in TF2
In Team Fortress community, most players will dismiss your opinions (even if they are objectively right) due to you not having premium, "enough" playtime or an expensive inventory, etc. All things considered, this is a real issue and we need to talk about it at large right now.

Whenever you voice your thoughts on Social Media related to TF2 or in-game itself, if your opinion does not match with another privileged person's one, there is a high chance they will start looking at every public information available about you instead of providing a constructive counter-argument to your claim. Then they will use your personal information to label anything that comes out of you as "incorrect information" just because of something trivial like you not having 5,000 hours playtime, decreasing the quality of the discussion for everyone.

Not everyone can afford/want to buy premium, play video games daily and spend lots of $$$ for an inventory or have the knowledge of good community servers in a world of different both in good/bad faith opinions that could provide a better Casual-like experience or at least suit the individual, that's perfectly okay and we shouldn't immediately nullify what these people say. In a brighter hopefully future, we need to educate or simply correct such players if they have a misconception about something rather than instantly resorting to insults and mockery.

If you are a victim of this or could possibly be one due to aforementioned factors, privating your playtime and inventory to escape possible future bothering should do the trick, but this isn't a solution, and it's about time we take this problem seriously.
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Zobrazeno 115 z 29 komentářů
Tento příspěvek byl autorem tématu označen jako nejlepší.
Mark as the answer, please.
*checks groups* lmao
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) původně napsal:
*checks groups* lmao
What groups?
the ancients původně napsal:
f2p lmao
Yes, you are.
>Private profile
Since I cannot see any evidence to the contrary, I therefore conclude OP has skill issues and he is mad after someone called a vote on his hatless and unskilled existance.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) původně napsal:
*checks groups* lmao
They just privated their profile lmao.
RedReimu původně napsal:
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) původně napsal:
*checks groups* lmao
They just privated their profile lmao.
No, I did not.
Yep, more hours doesn't always mean more knowledge
If anything it means more ego and more toxicity
If someone's an idiot, let them be an idiot and move on with your day.
I don't know why but my brain keeps trying to rewrite the OP as some sort of legal ad

"if you or your loved ones have been harassed for being f2p call now for a free consultation!"
работник ципсо původně napsal:
"enough" playtime
Obviously people won't listen to you if you have like 500 hours on this game
This applies to the forums here more than anything, and you're not wrong for pointing it out as I've had several people point out my account for whatever reason or even for having my stuff private. Outside of that, I think the real issue when it comes to TF2 and player's being heard is comp players. Not that it matters much anymore as TF2 has had no new weapons or balance changes, but comp players are responsible for what we have now despite not even being 10% of the playerbase. Just because they sweat at the game and play a meta that doesn't even allow the weapons they complain about, does not make them an authority on how said weapons should be balanced. Genuinely think about it. Who said the flying guillotine was overpowered in casual play where it was actually in use? Who said the panic attack was unfun to play against? Who said that the base jumper was infuriating? Nobody but sweaty comp players that don't even have to deal or use the weapons because they ban them anyways, even after the nerfs. Why should the majority of the playerbase have to deal with their weapons being tampered with that they actually use, just because a select few are more "qualified" by playing a casual shooter competitively?
Garbodor původně napsal:
This applies to the forums here more than anything, and you're not wrong for pointing it out as I've had several people point out my account for whatever reason or even for having my stuff private. Outside of that, I think the real issue when it comes to TF2 and player's being heard is comp players. Not that it matters much anymore as TF2 has had no new weapons or balance changes, but comp players are responsible for what we have now despite not even being 10% of the playerbase. Just because they sweat at the game and play a meta that doesn't even allow the weapons they complain about, does not make them an authority on how said weapons should be balanced. Genuinely think about it. Who said the flying guillotine was overpowered in casual play where it was actually in use? Who said the panic attack was unfun to play against? Who said that the base jumper was infuriating? Nobody but sweaty comp players that don't even have to deal or use the weapons because they ban them anyways, even after the nerfs. Why should the majority of the playerbase have to deal with their weapons being tampered with that they actually use, just because a select few are more "qualified" by playing a casual shooter competitively?
Okay man, we got it. Balancing a video game is bad and we should take newbies opinions instead who say stuff like Pyro WM1 is OP.
Naposledy upravil Tutu💚™🤍has #SavedTF2; 27. lis. 2023 v 13.54
imagine even taking part in the discussions for this game ngl
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Na stránku: 1530 50

Datum zveřejnění: 27. lis. 2023 v 9.51
Počet příspěvků: 29