Zombie Night Terror

Zombie Night Terror

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Level Editor Beta feedback;
Listening the great news about having the workshop being implemented I thought it would be great to edit my favorite map The Living Horde but there are still a lot of things out of bounds for the user.
Last edited by Lil C]-[ew C]-[ew is ☂д☂; 20 Oct, 2017 @ 12:29pm
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Showing 1-15 of 21 comments
Link.  [developer] 12 Jul, 2017 @ 8:53am 
Originally posted by Lil C-ew C-ew is (ಥ﹏ಥ):
  • Unable to edit the timer, extending the ending time
  • Brush size also doesn't work
  • It might already have been discussed before but I'll repeat anyway, all paint tools and brushes have legend under them but everything still doesn't have. Editing the exiting icons on custom made maps doesn't display their names

All of that is on my to-do-list, but I have more important things to do before this and some of these are not as easy as it may seem.

Originally posted by Lil C-ew C-ew is (ಥ﹏ಥ):
  • Some Last of the Living maps are still missing out in the check list their names
The levels will be renamed in the next update.

Last edited by Link.; 12 Jul, 2017 @ 8:54am
Originally posted by Link.:
...I have more important things to do before this and some of these are not as easy as it may seem...
Ok then, take all the time you need to. I started to play around the editor for entire day for my first time. Thought I had to give some info in return although other users have been following the Level Editor progress longer than I have and they surely have reported this before.
Last edited by Lil C]-[ew C]-[ew is ☂д☂; 12 Jul, 2017 @ 10:59am
Still working my own map but I wanted to try again by editing few things in one of the official maps. And I notice when publishing from Local custom maps are not being recognized in the game folder.
There is also an issue when subscribing through Steam workshop functionality, the game will download the content automatically but in the game menu on Custom Levels, after you click in the map name, it shoudl be re-directing the user to level map description, challenge and play window but is only showing empty.
P.S. Just digged through \AppData\LocalLow\NoClip\Zombie Night Terror\Users\76561197985457725\Custom Levels\Editor and found all levels I have been editing but local function still not working.

Last edited by Lil C]-[ew C]-[ew is ☂д☂; 17 Jul, 2017 @ 8:34am
Link.  [developer] 17 Jul, 2017 @ 9:40am 
In the first screenshot, the "Local" text is a button. I can see it's not very clear, but if you click on it, you will see the chapters list. I'll change the design to make it clearer.

As for the second bug, can you send me a log file when that happens?

In the "Custom Levels" folder, there can be 4 folders:
  • Editor contains the chapters & levels created by the player
  • Play contains compiled version of the chapters & levels publish locally
  • Progression contains the saves of local levels
  • Temp contains the compiled version of the last workshop uploaded

"Workshop Levels" only contains progression for the workshop chapters, the chapters themselves are managed by Steam itself and should here:
  • <your_steam_folder>\steamapps\workshop\content\416680
Last edited by Link.; 17 Jul, 2017 @ 9:42am
Originally posted by Link.:
"Workshop Levels" only contains progression for the workshop chapters, the chapters themselves are managed by Steam itself and should here:
  • <your_steam_folder>\steamapps\workshop\content\416680
Hmm....odd since all custom levels are being placed in here \AppData\LocalLow\NoClip\Zombie Night Terror\Users\76561197985457725\Custom Levels\Editor and not in <your_steam_folder>\steamapps\workshop\content\416680\1077770452\Levels, just took a look inside 416680\1077770452\Levels folders and nothing inside. And Sending the file by e-mail.
Last edited by Lil C]-[ew C]-[ew is ☂д☂; 17 Jul, 2017 @ 1:54pm
Link.  [developer] 17 Jul, 2017 @ 3:15pm 
I think I understand what's going on, there seem to be no level in your chapter.

Check the chapter you made and make sure there is at least one level under each root level you have in your chapter.

The menu should look like this:


To add a sub-level, select the root level you want then click on the + button below the level list.

I need to add an error message to prevent users from publishing chapters with missing levels.
Last edited by Link.; 17 Jul, 2017 @ 3:17pm
So I can only release an entire chapter but not just one level map?
What if I added the introduction from 404.2? Would that count or do I need add more layers?
Last edited by Lil C]-[ew C]-[ew is ☂д☂; 18 Jul, 2017 @ 3:33am
Link.  [developer] 18 Jul, 2017 @ 2:33am 
You can release a chapter with only on level in it, it absolutely fine.

But from what I see in your screenshot, there is no level assigned in Level 1, what you need to do is:
  • Select Level 1 in your level list
  • Click on the + button below the level list
  • This should open a list of levels where you can select one

The levels in the list are just containers holding a list of sub levels and metadata like the title, objectives, etc.

The way we use it in our chapters is mostly like this:
> Level 1
|-------> Intro cutscene or Tutorial
|-------> Main Level (the icon on the left indicate which level is the main one)
|-------> End cutscene

Of course, you can have a level without an intro, tutorial or end cutscene, the only thing required is the main level.
Last edited by Link.; 18 Jul, 2017 @ 2:34am
Originally posted by Link.:

Of course, you can have a level without an intro, tutorial or end cutscene, the only thing required is the main level.
And that is what I wanted to do. And I find odd that the content uploaded to Steam workshop still have some weight around 203.5 kb and yet the map isn't there although the game is reading the level title in the game. Worked out finally. It was my mistaking for not understand +- icons under level column. Thank you for your efforts.
By the way took me couple times to understand at last somethings but there are still plenty things that confuse the user like when you Edit Chapters and characters like +- can have the meaning of adding or undo and the space area under Level description showed to be should be described as Challenge. I am not saying the icons should be changed just scaled or have some legends like the main menu does.
Last edited by Lil C]-[ew C]-[ew is ☂д☂; 18 Jul, 2017 @ 3:37am
Is terrifying how many bad guides and topics never explain step by step on how to upload with custom thumbnail / cover image in your workshop item and now that I tried one of the steps to erase my uploaded workshop file through Steam workshop I can't upload back on having jpg file placed in the folder along the level files in it too.
Last edited by Lil C]-[ew C]-[ew is ☂д☂; 22 Jul, 2017 @ 9:41pm
Link.  [developer] 23 Jul, 2017 @ 2:58am 
Currently, if you remove your item from the workshop, you cannot re-upload the same chapter because the workshop Id is not valid on Steam. I need to find a way to identify this use case and allow users to change & remove Ids from local levels.

As for the custom covers, It is not supported yet, I'll work on that this week.
Originally posted by Link.:
Currently, if you remove your item from the workshop, you cannot re-upload the same chapter because the workshop Id is not valid on Steam. I need to find a way to identify this use case and allow users to change & remove Ids from local levels.

As for the custom covers, It is not supported yet, I'll work on that this week.
Okay then I wait very calm because nobody are experiencing issues with workshop feature ingame. No issues found, everyone are getting access when subscribed on someone else's content.
Last edited by Lil C]-[ew C]-[ew is ☂д☂; 23 Jul, 2017 @ 5:45am
Uhm....having some troubles in making the game to understand that size of the workshop cover image but I have tried even exporting as 256x256 72 dpi yet still show that image will be distorted in the game menu.
As I can see nothing is distorted or scaled but the level title is being covered. Is this normal or my image still out of proportion?
Link.  [developer] 5 Aug, 2017 @ 5:53pm 
Nope, it's not normal, the image should be resized but keep its original ratio, I'll look into it.
There is a silly typo in help message when errors are showed.
Funny thing about spelling ded instead:steammocking:
Last edited by Lil C]-[ew C]-[ew is ☂д☂; 11 Aug, 2017 @ 1:47pm
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