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J.C. Denton 31 Aug, 2020 @ 12:58pm
Galaga starts but doesn't play
When I press Enter to Play, the screen changes to all black with a small white square in the middle. No sound, does not advance to eventually play either. No sound once the black screen with white block is shown. This is happening for the rest of my Bandai/Namco games too.
Compatibility mode doesn't help. Windows 10. Reinstalled all Namco/Bandai games. Verified local files. No change.
Last edited by J.C. Denton; 1 Sep, 2020 @ 6:13pm
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techhead51 1 Dec, 2020 @ 7:48pm 
I just tried the game and had the same issue, it starts, goes to menu, hit enter 2x and does nothing.
I am on win10 pro 19042.662 , 8gb ddr3 gtx 960 4 gb vram and amd phenom6x at 2.8ghz stock.
J.C. Denton 2 Dec, 2020 @ 3:13pm 
They dropped the ball on this. The only way I can see to fix it is to buy the whole collection. Then it seems to install all the missing stuff from the one off installs. They really ought to be ashamed of themselves for this. It's either technical incompetence or a cash grab or perhaps a cash grab due to apathy and incomptence. They certainly failed to fix my issue. I ended up buying the collection to just check and see if there was a broader issue, but WHO WOULD BELIEVE IT....when you buy the collection with all the games you don't want, you get the ones you do want in a working fashion. Go Figure. Buy them on an extreme sale if you must. I'd not prefer to give them any more money to fuel this lack of care of their patrons.
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