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MISTER WU 15 Sep, 2017 @ 4:45pm
Edit key bindings?
How do i edit the key bindings? All i see is default LOL.

Ohh i love this game for its classic nature as well, remember playing this as a kid for hours at the pinny's
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I am trying to figure this out too.
Last edited by java.lang.NullPointerException; 15 Sep, 2017 @ 8:22pm
Click esc, then click settings, then controls.
Last edited by java.lang.NullPointerException; 15 Sep, 2017 @ 8:23pm
Nvm, that didn't work
MISTER WU 15 Sep, 2017 @ 11:21pm 
Nah i found i just have to use A and D and then ENTER to fire.
You can also use the bottom arrows to move and shift to fire
MISTER WU 15 Sep, 2017 @ 11:41pm 
yeah but i hated that, i need to fire with my right hand. Same as masterbating.
Lol I like firing with my left hand. I like a, d, and shift. Don't know why though.
MISTER WU 17 Sep, 2017 @ 2:40pm 
Originally posted by Dandy(DK):
Originally posted by MISTER WU:
How do i edit the key bindings? All i see is default LOL.

Ohh i love this game for its classic nature as well, remember playing this as a kid for hours at the pinny's
if wanna setup other controls maybe use JoyToKey program :-) I do that with some games :-)
Thats ok mate i ended up usign the default A & D keys and ENTER to fire.
Might even buy a cheap game controller if it works with them?
Eksdad 18 Jan, 2021 @ 5:12pm 
I hate it when game producers won't let you rebind the input. Does it really take that much time to incorporate the feature? I like to play retro games so I buy retro-remakes to encourage developers to come out with more. However, I am usually disappointed in the product. The illegal MAME version is better because I can remap the buttons. Remap of keys is a must have feature of every game.
Originally posted by Eksdad:
I hate it when game producers won't let you rebind the input. Does it really take that much time to incorporate the feature? I like to play retro games so I buy retro-remakes to encourage developers to come out with more. However, I am usually disappointed in the product. The illegal MAME version is better because I can remap the buttons. Remap of keys is a must have feature of every game.
so very true!
Blackadder 22 Apr, 2023 @ 8:26pm 
You can temporarily remap keys on your keyboard. A couple of methods here:
The PowerToys Keyboard Manager works well. I map A to Z and D to X. Launch PowerToys from Taskbar or System Tray; Turn on KBM before launching game then turn off after quitting game.
Last edited by Blackadder; 30 Apr, 2023 @ 7:27pm
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