Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Help with Communist Yugoslavia
Hi, I just want some help and idea from the community.

I'm trying Yugoslavia right now. I'm pretty noob since I began not long ago to play this game.
And ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ is really hard, I may be in my seventh or eighth trials with a lot of reloads and savescums.
But I really want to continue my try with Yugoslavia, plz do not tell me ''just go with Germany its easier''. I want to push myself on this and learn the hard way.

I'm at the point where I have read a lot of guides and threads about Yugoslavia, and seen some videos playthrought on youtube. But honestly, all those look obsolete since there was a lot of update and with some DLC on the game doesnt look the same at all.

Right now I'm trying the independant communist path of Yugoslavia, the one without the loyalty to comintern and USSR. I think the comintern's way may be easier, but the independant one is very nice and interesting.

This is what I'm trying to do in order :

At day 1 with time paused : I disband some units, like the light obsolete tank division, the three calavry infantry divisions, the two mountaineers infantry special forces, and some basic infantry division. This to reach about 13 basic infantry division to get more infantry equipement which will be very useful later. It also give me more manpower and I did not have anymore to manage logistic production of garbage tanks early on. I also disband my two warships (I think they're low-light-class destroyers and cruisers). This will mean less oil usage and more manpowers. I honestly dont know what to do with my aviation. I merged them in the same airport (3 cheap and light units). I make them train a bit but stopped it early on when they get trained enough. I thought about also disbanding them (less oil, more manpower, less production of planes).

Productions :
#1 infantry equipement, huge focus on this. I have a lot of stockpiles to recover at first then accumulate for later (communists revolt in neighbours countries).
#2 submarines, i make only one at a time. But slowly I'm building a navy division of submarines in the adriatic to harass italian navy later on. I put them in training mode at the beginning.

Constructions :
We start the game with about 15-16 civilian factories. I built enough to get around 25 CIVs. Then I built military factories.

Focus tree :
Right on I jump on the ''recognize soviet union'' and try to get down the communist focus tree ASAP. I follow this path normally : (1) Recognize soviet union > (2) Form Peasant Council (to get the +0,20 communist support early on to get 40% communist support needed for Abolish Monarchy focus) > (3) Mutual Economic Aid > since I cannot yet get Abolish the monarchy because I do not have 40 % communist support, I go down the industrial focus tree with (4) Industrialization Program > Most of the time I still cannot take Abolish Monarchy so I take (5) Expand Mining Industry > (6) Abolish the Monarchy > (7) Yugoslavian path to communism > (8) Pan-Slavic Worker's Congress > (9) Form Federal Republic > (10) Federal Defense Council > Then, while I'm waiting for the neighbours to revolt and became communist, I continue on the industrial tree. But I do not hesitate to stop a focus research (unless its nearly about to finish) to Invite Bulgaria/Albania and go down ASAP to Pan-Balkan Initiative.

My strategy is to get the Resistance Orator as my first Political Advisor for the daily bonus of communist support (which mean faster route to Focus Abolish Monarchy as my sixth focus). Why him instead of the classic communist revolutionnary ? Because he do exacly the same but with a +5 % to war support which is nice.

Then I replaced my civilan economy with a War economy, while I shift to MILs after I reach the 25 civilian factories. Then it's a race to build a lot of MILs.

I then keep my political power for decisions of peasant uprisings to make communist propaganda and arm militants in neighbours countries. I'll need a lot of it for this. I build up a large stockpile of infantry equipment and PP ASAP.

I go first with Bulgaria.
It take two rounds of armements of militants to make the bulgarian communists strong enough to revolt and I discover that I must also wait for communist support to reach at least 50 % of the country since a revolt under this will always get bogged down and stagnate, leading to nothing. Being stalled the country will be useless and blocked my focus path down to pan-balkan initiative. So I wait for 2 rounds of armements + 50% of communist support then boom. Revolt.

I cannot yet at that point support the communist revolutionnaries with lend lease infantry equipment because the world tension did not reach 50% yet. So bulgarians communist are on their own.

After Bulgaria I go for Albania's revolt. But it is honestly a waste of time and PP since they are absorbed pretty fast by Italy and it is suicidal to try to help them at the moment. But I do it anyway since I must to continue the path of focus tree. I should try to let Italy take it and just wait doing something else (like focusing on my economy or army) while waiting.

Then Greece. I must hurry since Greece is the next victim of Italy. But skipping Albania may be a good idea because when Italy invade Albania, Bulgaria join the war and then Greece too. Which mean every nations in which I provoke revolt will join war against Italy. Skipping Albania may mean that Greece and Bulgaria will not yet be at war with Italy and give me more time. But Italy will probably go at war with Greece anyway...

After Greece it become more complicated. I must go for Hungary or Romania. It is a real race against time since the two of them become fascist and join the Axis pretty fast. I dont know what to do. Normally I would probably rush for Hungary. But they join Axis so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ fast, but Romania too.

Romania on the other hand is about to get in conflict with USSR for Bessarabia. And I would not like to be dragged in a war with the Comintern.

The most weird is that sometimes these countries join the cominterb after revolting... In my last game Hungary joined the comintern after the revolt...

I would gladly take any clues and hint about Independant communist Yugoslavia
Dernière modification de Pastek; 30 déc. 2024 à 12h11
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Pastek 30 déc. 2024 à 14h56 
Ok there's something I dont understand after multiple time making a revolt and a coup in a state, this state (like communist romania or hungary) join the comintern and dont want to join my faction... I dont understand.
Good luck, Yugoslavia is one of them countries I kinda hate playing because everyone around you hates you and you cannot muster a decent enough army to defend all your borders.
romania is guaranteed by czechs and french,
yugoslavia guaranteed by british,french and romania,

czech arent a problem, during war with romania , germany will deal with them. french s natural.

only troublesome thing is greece gets guarantee by british and normally it d be okay but sometimes brits drop guarantee on you, pulling allies into war

this s why you should justify on greece after dealing with bulgaria before you generate more than %10 world tension.

i myself done all yugoslavia achievements this week, its one of the hardest country to play, because balkans still have many bugs about politics, timings and guarantees are a mess.

no video guide is up to date on this matter as far as i searched around. i had to devise my own tactic from multiple guides.

going facist, having civil war, discard demogogue ,gobbling bulgaria and greece first, then romania border cheese.
defeat soviets with germany. you still need german austria. how?

well i done a 180 there and switch backed to democracy, remember i dropped demogogue? its to quickly switch back to democracy, and with democracy, welcome america,

grab your cores from italy and grab austria in peace deal, done. ez pz

going communist is hardest path, you need to dig in alps and austria for a year if you re not lucky, tho once i capitulated germany at 1940 because they didnt bother man the front, i simply walked to berlin from austria. still thats an anomaly and doesnt happen that much.

i talked much but ye, help them to backstab them, thats best tactic i found so far.
Dernière modification de CH13F; 31 déc. 2024 à 11h02
Pastek 31 déc. 2024 à 14h31 
You invaded austria ? how ? Did you cheese it with para ?

Anyway, I'm trying to do the independant communist path of Yugoslavia, so it mean making neighbours join my faction by making them revolting, not by invading them myself. It is pretty easy. The problem is that when by example albania or greece joined my faction, it is not long that Italy declare war to them and invaded them. At first they can hold for some time, but once Italy join the axis it is just a steamroll into the balkans and even Bulgaria fall because most of the time Romania will join axis at that point.

And I cannot do any thing, because if I help my allies, germany, Italy and Hungary will invade me from the north and they destroy the hell out of me in a short time.

Just for fun I started a independant non-aligned Yugoslavian game with the goal to divide and liberate all small nations of the balkans and federate them around a democratic alliance (the central path of the independant one).

And ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ is so much more easy then playing communist Yugoslavia...
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