Layers of Fear (2016)

Layers of Fear (2016)

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Grinch [HUN] 21 May, 2023 @ 3:32am
Should I play the older versions or wait for the Remaster?
Which version should I play? I see the new one gets a lot of negative flak even though only the demo is out there... As a casual gamer dad, is the new graphics (I have RTX capable rig) and the one new storyline worth it?
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
Oz Gaming 23 May, 2023 @ 9:05pm 
Wait for the Remaster. It has all the Layers of Fear games and content plus the extra stuff all in one game package.
Thrall72 24 May, 2023 @ 6:46am 
It really depends on what you are expecting and want. The demo has been extended to the end of this month tho, you can check this out and see how it runs
It's obviously far prettier, but even first one still holds up. It was offer, as for the second entry, on epic free games rotation
Even tho the graphic update is nice, I prefer the previous which are easily run at my screen refresh rate ; that can't be say with the new one but I don't have a beefy pc
Mb on some setup, the Unreal Engine will behave better than Unity ; particular scenarios ofc, because the requirement are literraly from different era
The remaster is absolute rubbish. It has a graphical upgrade but they took out all the atmosphere, vibe, tension, sounds, music, puzzles - literally everything that made this OG a masterpiece.
Phantom Spaceman 26 Jun, 2024 @ 11:42am 
Wait for some other developer to release something that you don’t have to wonder if you need to wait for the remaster.

What is this company keep releasing remasters that suck?
Last edited by Phantom Spaceman; 26 Jun, 2024 @ 11:43am
Albie There 10 Sep, 2024 @ 3:36pm 
The remaster is absolute rubbish. It has a graphical upgrade but they took out all the atmosphere, vibe, tension, sounds, music, puzzles - literally everything that made this OG a masterpiece.

That's a bummer, why didn't they just remade the game 1:1 with current gen graphics? Baffling.
Originally posted by Albie There:
The remaster is absolute rubbish. It has a graphical upgrade but they took out all the atmosphere, vibe, tension, sounds, music, puzzles - literally everything that made this OG a masterpiece.

That's a bummer, why didn't they just remade the game 1:1 with current gen graphics? Baffling.
I really don't know where their brains were at. Sure, it's a nice graphical upgrade (part 2 is pretty much the same as it was) but the small amount they added isn't worth having - and what they took away to turn it into some kind of bad comedy is something I don't understand at all.
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