Fallout 4
Mod to place structures in disallowed areas?
Is there one that works? I think i used one to make conduits less maddening at one point. i dont want any fancy tools.

I tried Place Anywhere and Place in Red from the nexus, neither are working out for me or will require extreme fiddling to become functional
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Place Anywhere WILL do what you need, you just have to actually USE it correctly. Is it configured properly? Are you hitting f5 - which is normally save game, but while you are using Place Everywhere and in settlement build mode, will turn off workshop exit?

You would want to hit F1 and F2 using Place Everywhere, to allow you to insert conduit through other surfaces. F1 is for turning SNAP points off, and F2 is for basically phasing through items/the map. Sometimes you want one of those back on - snap on but surface off means you can sink a wall or other item with snap points into the ground and still snap a new piece to it. Surface on but snapping off means you could manually rotate only one piece without it taking all the others with it or re-snapping to the same surface again.

I've been using place everywhere for YEARS and only just recently started using its full potential -the keypad separate from keyboard (if you have a keyboard with a full number pad on the right) will allow you to move things up, down, toward and away from you, etc.

So I'd suggest going to look for instructions on ALL the configuration tools for it, if you aren't able to place a conduit through something. It just means you aren't using the right F key or the keyboard tools to their full extent is all!
Try scrap everything it allows you to delete more of the vanilla objects but becareful, be sure to save often
Im not sure what i did different. I reinstalled it and the function mostly works now. Maybe it was an issue with the place.ini. Maybe i downloaded the wrong game version of it, since GOG is on 1.10.163 vs whatever the main one is.

Thanks for the replies~

And while not quite what i was asking I will say Nite that scrap everything is indeed very nice. You're right that you have to be careful though. It's easy to delete walls or large rocks
You probably need to open some of the text files for Place Everything to see what the command list is. It's a little complicated until you are used to it, but it does let you clip objects, and even place objects outside the normal settlement area (although they won't count toward your settlement if they are resource objects.) Place Everything can be dangerous if you use it to scrap objects, because you can also delete your companions if they walk in front of you, and you can't undo it. Just be careful and SAVE before using any delete function.

Anyway, that's what I do. I just open the text file so I can refer to it in the Windows Task Bar if I forget how to do something. I am more familiar with using the console commands, which will also do the same thing. I'm trying to learn the Mod, because you can't use console in Hardcore... but then I started another regular game and don't really need the mod with that.
Yeah if you're still on 163 you will want to make sure that all tools like this are on the correct version!

It is really a SUPER good tool. Does take practice, believe me, but the results can be really great!

One thing if you have it configured correctly, start a build with the sun up, and hit F11. That will drop the time passage to a very slow pace (don't allow 0, because that will mess things up a bit, but .1 is where I have mine) and you can build with good light.

Remember to break out and manually save frequently though, because you do not want to be 2 hours deep into a settlement and lose it to a bug. :)
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