Codename CURE

Codename CURE

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I think Sniper needs a rework...
I love this game, it's really fun to play, and I do enjoy all classes. However, my least favorite right now would be sniper. Now that's nothing new. I have never been a huge fan of snipers in video games. However, the sniper in this game is, well, not great. He's not bad, but is the weakest class I think. I have ideas I wanna share to improve sniper. Now there are some things that can improve the sniper without changing him, and I would like to list those first. ATM none of the bomb escape maps are that great for sniping. Bunker and Office are mainly indoors and feature small spaces. A sniper needs long sightlines, especially in this game in order to be effective, as other classes can do close and medium range combat better. Cityblock is the best map for a sniper, as at the start the are long sightlines. However, lots of the map is indoors and only at the start and end of map there are decent spots. If more open maps were to be added, the sniper would benfit a lot more. Another problem is that in bomb escape you need to keep moving foward, if sniper is to hang back and snipe he can be picked off without the support of his team. If a defensive mode was added, where the team cure would have to defend an area from waves of zombies, sniper could be very useful. If there are high locations he could hang out there and get a view of the map. Of course he would still have to be vunerable from his sniping locations so won't be overpowered, but even so that would make him more useful. And also I think that if a long range zombie was added, teams might want a sniper as short ranged classes like pointman wouldn't be able to deal with them easily.

OK, now how about some changes to the actual class? Well for one I find using the scope isn't very practical ATM. You need to be able to see as much of the screen as possible in this game, as zombies can attack from any side. There should be a risk/reward type of thing when scoping, so i suggest a charge mechanic, much similar to games such as TF2 and Overwatch. A fully charged headshot should potentially be able to one shot a soldier, however whilst charging you are incredibly vunerable. However, IMO the biggest problem with sniper is that his kit conflicts with itself. The fire grenade should be changed. But why do I feel it needs to be changed? Well a sniper needs to be able to see long distances to get kills. But the fire grenades block you and your teams view. That makes no sense. Why would a sniper want to see less? I suggest we give him something that allows him to see more. In the old Codename Cure trailer it said the snipers role was to "elimate future and potential threats." Why was that changed? Well I don't know, but I have a feeling it has to do with the fact that his fire grenades make it so that you can't see future threats! I have a few ideas. My first idea is some sort of thermal goggles, which would highlight zombies on your screen and even let you see zombies through wallls! Or perhaps a grenade that does no damage, but higlights and area letting you detect zombies, functioning like Hanzo's sonic arrow from Overwatch. My last and favorite idea is a deployable, like support and tech, which would locate every thing within an area. This would allow your team to see zombies and prevent them from being ambushed. Use one of those ideas and sniper can actually eliminate future and potential threats. I know fire is fun, but it doesn't work for sniper. BUT I do think that it would work GREAT for assault. Or maybe a new flame based class. And even if you don't give it to someone else it's still useful in survival. If anyone who reads this has other suggestions, don't be afraid to tell me. And if you disagree with anything or everything i said let me know as well. Maybe we can have a little debate :)
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Đang hiển thị 1-11 trong 11 bình luận
Maxpowerammo 12 Thg04, 2017 @ 7:47pm 
The sniper used to be my favorite class because of it's high power, high capacity, fast firerate rifle.
Funny how the "sniper" excelled at rushing through the crowd killing anything in it's path, while classes like the pointman would make a few kills with the shotgun before running out of ammo and getting swarmed.

Like you said, a sniper role would be pretty useless given the relatively enclosed maps.
Yea, do you have any ideas on how he could improve?
Maxpowerammo 12 Thg04, 2017 @ 7:52pm 
Nguyên văn bởi Lemon:
Yea, do you have any ideas on how he could improve?
Not really, you can't be a proper sniper on any of the maps.
Agreed. I guess new maps are needed then.
Jackerino  [nhà phát triển] 15 Thg04, 2017 @ 8:57pm 
The sniper is very powerful, actually. It has bullet penetration and it's one of my favourite offensive classes. You can kill entire hordes with the sniper rifle in just a few shots. I understand the concern about not being able to actually be a sniper, but the maps can't be too open due to how the zombie spawning works. He even has the most powerful secondary weapon.

You can snipe from the rooftops on Office.
Jackerino  [nhà phát triển] 15 Thg04, 2017 @ 8:58pm 
Nguyên văn bởi Maxpowerammo:
The sniper used to be my favorite class because of it's high power, high capacity, fast firerate rifle.
Funny how the "sniper" excelled at rushing through the crowd killing anything in it's path, while classes like the pointman would make a few kills with the shotgun before running out of ammo and getting swarmed.

Like you said, a sniper role would be pretty useless given the relatively enclosed maps.

The sniper still is high power, high capacity, and has a fast firerate rifle. It even has bullet penetration and can kill multiple zombies in one shot.
Jackerino  [nhà phát triển] 15 Thg04, 2017 @ 9:00pm 
I understand your criticisms, though.
I'm not saying he's weak, I'm saying that the fire grenade doesn't really work with him
Jackerino  [nhà phát triển] 16 Thg04, 2017 @ 1:37pm 
Nguyên văn bởi Viagra:
I'm not saying he's weak, I'm saying that the fire grenade doesn't really work with him

I don't really see why it would have to be changed. The flame grenade sets a passive wall of damage that kills or weakens potential threats. Nothing has ever changed about the Sniper except when we buffed him.
I like the fire grenade, however it blocks the snipers view. A sniper needs to see as much as possible in order to snipe. I feel as if assault would benefit more from the flame grenade. Also, i spent way too much time writing that lol
Jackerino  [nhà phát triển] 16 Thg04, 2017 @ 3:49pm 
Nguyên văn bởi Viagra:
I like the fire grenade, however it blocks the snipers view. A sniper needs to see as much as possible in order to snipe. I feel as if assault would benefit more from the flame grenade. Also, i spent way too much time writing that lol

I personally think it's fine. I don't know. lol
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