Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

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Technical Problems FAQ
Hey guys! I've made this FAQ of all the most common technical problems in order to help anybody suffering from technical issues with the game. I hope this helps you fix any issues you mave have. Good luck!

To help find a solution to your specific issue try using ctrl+f and type in a key word regarding your issue.

Check your graphics card drivers:
Usually, it's best to use the most up to date graphics card drivers. However, the newest isn't always the best. If you are suffering from constant crashing after a recent driver update, you might want to try and revert to an older version.

Before you try anything else:
1) Right-click on RS/RO2 Multiplayer in your Steam library
Properties > Local Files > Verify integrity of game cache

How to resolve MOST issues such as crashes, issues with settings, connection issues, certain maps not loading, etc.:
NOTE: If your specific issue isn't listed anywhere else, always try this method first. You never know what issues it might resolve.
WARNING: This will delete all your configuration files which will reset your graphics, controls, and audio settings.

Try this method to fix almost anything:
1) Navigate to your DOCUMENTS folder and find:
Documents\My Games\RedOrchestra2
2) Delete that folder. (You might want to backup that folder just in case).
3) Restart the game.

If your game keeps crashing when loading a map (usually Saipan) and you have a 32bit OS:
WARNING: DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK! YOU MIGHT DAMAGE YOUR SYSTEM! Only do this if you have more than 3GB of RAM installed
Special thanks to this random dude for helping.

For Windows 7 and Vista:
Note: Remember, only do this if you have more than 3GB of RAM installed.
1) Open command prompt with Administrator rights.
To do this, go to Programs, Accessories, right-click on Command Prompt and select "Run as Administrator".
2) Enter the following at the prompt and press enter:

bcdedit/set IncreaseUserVA 3072

3) Close the prompt and restart the computer

More possible fixes for crashes:
Update Punkbuster:
Try updating Punkbuster. Read further below where I explain in detail how to do this.

Opt out of Steam beta:
1) Go to Steam -> Settings -> Account
2) Then go to Beta participation and select NONE
3) Restart Steam and start up the game

If these methods don't resolve your crashes, please submit your dmp files here:

Crash logs and dmp files can be found here:
Documents\My Games\RedOrchestra2\ROGame\Logs

If your game isn't starting up at all:
NOTE: Only try this fix after trying the one above.

If your game isn't loading up at all, it's a possibility that the game didn't go through the prerequisite installation processes. In order to do so, try the following solution.

1) Navigate to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Red Orchestra 2\Binaries\Windows
2) Run RO2Redist to install RS/RO2.
3) Run pbsvc_hos to install Punkbuster.

If your resolution is unsupported in the graphics options:
This is a very common issue with those using less common resolutions. The most common one I see people having issues with is 1366x768, so I will use that as an example. You can replace that with whatever your desired resolution may be.

1) Open the console with ~ or F3 (ö for European keyboards)
2) Type in the following:
setres 1366x768
3) Press enter.

1) Navigate to your DOCUMENTS folder and find:
Documents\My Games\RedOrchestra2\ROGame\Config
2) Open the ROEngine.ini file with notepad.
3) Ctrl+F for 'ResX' and 'ResY'.
4) Change the values for ResX and ResY to match your monitor's resolution.
5) Save the changes made to the file.

How to resolve MOST issues with Punkbuster (e.g. “Punkbuster communication failure”):
1) Open the Windows Start menu and find
Control Panel > Windows Firewall
2) Click where it says "Allow a program or feature through Windows Firewall"
3) Look for the following and make sure they are all allowed through:
- Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer
- PnkBstrA
- PnkBstrB

1) Open the Windows Start menu and find
Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services
2) Look for the services PnkBstrA and PnkBstrB
3) Make sure both services are started. Start both services in case they are stopped.

1) Navigate to this folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Red Orchestra 2\Binaries\Windows
2) Run pbsvc_hos to reinstall punkbuster.

1) Go to:
2) Download PBsetup for your appropriate operating system.
3) Run the installer and make sure to set it to 'Red Orchestra 2.'

In case none of the methods above work:
1) Open your 'Control Panel'
2) Find and click 'Programs and Features'
3) Find 'Punkbuster Services' and unistall
4) Retry the methods 2 or 3 above

If you're getting kicked with a “Speedhack Detected” warning:
People playing over Wi-Fi are the most likely to experience this issue. Wi-Fi isn't as stable as a wired connection because it has wide fluctuations in latency.

The best fix is to switch to a wired connection. However, many Wi-Fi users have reported that using a “WLAN Optimizer” tool has fixed their issue.
That tool can be found here:

If your Settings menu and weapon selection screen are blank OR if you get an entirely black screen:
This is a bug with the game that appears when you are forcing anti-aliasing through your graphics card's control panel. Make sure to set anti-aliasing to use "application settings".

For AMD Cards:
1) Right-click on your desktop
2) Click where it says "AMD Catalyst Control Center"
3) Click on the "Gaming" option
4) Click where it says "3D Application Settings"
5) Look for where it says "Anti-Aliasing Mode" and set it to "Use application settings"

For NVIDIA Cards:
1) Right-click on your desktop
2) Click where it says "NIVIDA Control Panel"
3) Click Manage 3D Settings
4) Click on the Global Settings or for advanced users you can Add ROGame.exe
5) Look for where it says "Antialiasing - Mode" and set it to "Application-controlled"

If you can't load certain maps and get a "package mismatch"
For Red Orchestra 2 maps
1) Navigate to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Red Orchestra 2\ROGame\CookedPC\Maps
2) Delete the folders of the offending maps
3) Right-click on RS/RO2 Multiplayer in your Steam library
Properties > Local Files > Verify integrity of game cache

For Rising Storm maps
1) Navigate to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Red Orchestra 2\ROGame\CookedPC\RSGame\Maps
2) Delete the folders of the offending maps
3) Right-click on RS/RO2 Multiplayer in your Steam library
Properties > Local Files > Verify integrity of game cache

If your in game name is displayed as "Player" followed by a random number:
Sometimes your Steam name doesn't sync with the game properly. It only syncs once for every name change, so if the sync fails the first time, your name won't be displayed properly.

This is a step-by-step to fixing it:
1) Change your Steam name to something else.
2) Start the game and join any server.
3) Check to see if your name change has taken effect.
4) If the name change worked, exit the game.
5) Change your Steam name back and repeat step 2.

If the server browser comes up empty or connecting to a server takes forever.
NOTE: Make sure that your version of Windows is up to date! You can download the Windows 7 Service Pack 1 here: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/service-packs-download#sptabs=win7

1) Check your server browser filters!
2) Make sure to unblock the game from your firewall.
3) Check to make sure it's also unblocked from any security software you may have installed.

Update punkbuster!
Read the Punkbuster issues section for details on how to do so.

WARNING: This method might reset your Steam client settings, so back up the file just in case.
1) Navigate to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam
2) Delete the file named "ClientRegistry.blob"

Here's a handy video tutorial that just might help with connection issues:
More details here: http://forums.tripwireinteractive.com/showthread.php?t=67759

Lower your Steam max pings per minute:
Some modems can't handle pinging so many servers so lowering this setting might help.
1) Steam > Settings > In-game
2) Lower the "Game server browser: max pings / minute" setting until it reliably shows servers in the server browser each time.
You might have to restart your modem if the server browser comes up with nothing.

NOTE: If you know of anything else that might help resolve this issue, please let me know.

If you suffer from a graphical glitch where you can see through walls and get flickering textures

1) While in game, open the console with ~ or F3 (ö for European keyboards)
2) Type in:
umbra culling
3) Press enter

If all of the above hasn't helped you can try this:

Solution 1
Your shader cache might be corrupt, and will have to be re-downloaded. This can also solve issues pertaining to graphic glitches like black skies, or invisible terrain.
- Delete the RefShaderCache-PC-D3D-SM3.upk inside \Steam\steamapps\common\red orchestra 2\ROGame\Content

Solution 2
Your exe or binaries might have become corrupt after an update:
- Delete ROGame.exe inside \Steam\steamapps\common\red orchestra 2\Binaries\Win32
- If just deleting the ROGame.exe does not solve it, delete the entire Binaries folder. (Binaries folder is 262mb)

Crashing when loading server browser:

More Troubleshooting Guides:


If any of you have anything you would like to add, post it in the comments so that I may edit this thread.
En son Moskeeto tarafından düzenlendi; 4 Kas 2015 @ 11:38
< >
1,480 yorumdan 1 ile 15 arası gösteriliyor
great job Moskeeto!
If your Settings menu and weapon selection screen are blank

Mine is not blank, I could see the weapon, but just cant switch to other weapons
Yoshiro  [geliştirici] 1 Ağu 2013 @ 6:20 
Arc, turn off forced AA in your video card control panel.
very good job
How do you remove the fps cap?
En son HeyDontSlip tarafından düzenlendi; 1 Ağu 2013 @ 8:00
İlk olarak SoMadDoe tarafından gönderildi:
How do you remove the fps cap?
.ini file.
where is how to solve the long time connection? and patch to fix it?
En son CongoKim tarafından düzenlendi; 1 Ağu 2013 @ 8:57
Nice. Now you don't have to answer all those forum posts anymore.
En son Danh tarafından düzenlendi; 1 Ağu 2013 @ 19:07
İlk olarak Danh {TP} tarafından gönderildi:
Nice. Now you don't have to answer all those forum posts anymore.
Let's hope so.
Please fix the download reset of your game, it's really annoying, especially for guys like me with a REALLY slow internet speed...
Why does it sometimes look like there is lines going through up and down when playing this game? I have 120HZ monitor and I'm stuck at 60 fps and havent got a clue how to remove this cap
Nice work with the tech problem FAQ! :D:

I own a NIVIDA GPU and Figured I would post the steps for AA settings.

For NIVIDA Cards:
1) Right-click on your desktop
2) Click where it says "NIVIDA Control Panel"
3) Click Manage 3D Settings
4) Click on the Global Settings or for advanced users you can Add ROGame.exe
5) Look for where it says "Antialiasing - Mode" and set it to "Application-controlled"
İlk olarak Emperor Zombie tarafından gönderildi:
Nice work with the tech problem FAQ! :D:

I own a NIVIDA GPU and Figured I would post the steps for AA settings.

For NIVIDA Cards:
1) Right-click on your desktop
2) Click where it says "NIVIDA Control Panel"
3) Click Manage 3D Settings
4) Click on the Global Settings or for advanced users you can Add ROGame.exe
5) Look for where it says "Antialiasing - Mode" and set it to "Application-controlled"
Thank you very much! I will edit it in right away.
İlk olarak SoMadDoe tarafından gönderildi:
Why does it sometimes look like there is lines going through up and down when playing this game? I have 120HZ monitor and I'm stuck at 60 fps and havent got a clue how to remove this cap
you can change the fps cap in the roengine.ini file
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