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Gomikubi 30 Aug, 2021 @ 6:08pm
Issue with challenge requests while training in new quick match
Hey, I'd like to begin by thanking TFC for their work on this project, it's really cool to still see this game still getting such awesome support and I appreciate the new features being offered in the reformed lobbies. That said what I'm about to point out isn't really a bug, but I think it's worth addressing as a problem albeit a relatively minor one.

I've noticed with this recent beta that the literally instantaneous ability to respond to match requests while in training mode makes it extremely easy to hit a button mid-combo and have that button press suddenly result in rejecting (or accepting) a match request without the chance to so much as read the opponent's name, let alone assess their ping value and/or adjust rollback frames. The former has happened to me a lot by now, It makes me hesitant to train combos at all since I play on pad (can't just change my input bindings to avoid this) and it's an immensely frustrating experience.

I understand that people don't like being made to wait, and it's not like I want to have the game play out an entire "Here comes daredevil" animation before letting people get into matches. I just think it'd be preferable for there to be just a tiny bit of a buffer (a second at most would be enough) so players actively using the training mode while waiting for games can react to a request and appropriately process it rather than end up backing out of a game that would have been fine, or having to close the program in the potential event of accepting undesirable conditions (I've yet to have this happen personally)

Once again thanks to TFC for their time and effort, I hope this gets addressed but will understand if it isn't considered a priority.