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Shini  [dév.] 10 déc. 2020 à 23h42
[12/11] Patch Notes from Team French CaliBurst - Round 3
New feature: Automatic desync detection
- Clients now exchange basic data, such as player position and life.
- If the game detects that the data sent by your opponent is different from your game, "DESYNC DETECTED" is displayed on screen, and you will be returned to the player room.
- If you get a desync detected, please send us your replay!
- Note that we don't yet have this implemented for spectators! Spectators, if your match seems to cut out, it's very likely that a desync was detected.
New feature: Steam rich presence
- When playing, your friends on Steam will now be able to see which mode you're in, and if you're in a network player room, the number of players in your room.
- Currently translated in French and English- more languages TBD!
New feature: Replay browser now supports folders
- Folder names are shown in orange, to differentiate from replays, which are still shown in white.
- Selecting <Back> or pressing the cancel button will go up one folder level.
New feature: Antialiasing now has three modes
- ON is the original PC scaler, 2X is the arcade scaler, and OFF is point-scaling.
- Point scaling looks best when displayed at integer multiples of 640x480.

Tweak: Replay headers now contain rounds-won by each player side
Tweak: Replay file names no longer include the seconds place in the date

Bugfix: Some TeamVS replays previously played back incorrectly, and should now play correctly. This wasn't an issue with the replays themselves- all your offline TeamVS replays should now play back correctly, including replays that didn't previously play back.
Bugfix: Accepting a player room invite after playing a ranked match no longer results in ranked results being displayed after a match in the player room.
Bugfix: In network matches, character select no longer softlocks when a local player who has already selected their character but not yet selected their stage cancels their selection shortly after receiving character selection from a remote player.
Bugfix: Fixed various RNG desyncs that could happen during character select.
Bugfix: In network mode, character voice packs are now the same on all clients, fixing several desyncs.
Bugfix: Fixed a scenario where a player can no longer adjust GGPO input delay after an issue reading or writing the save file.
Bugfix: Ranked-mode rank icons now display correctly during the pre-match profile and post-match results screens.
Bugfix: Two players joining at the same time can no longer result in one of the players entering the room and then immediately being ejected.
Bugfix: In network matches, music selection will now always be displayed on the side of the player who has stage-select control.
Bugfix: Out of order packets caused by poor network conditions should cause fewer errors.

Regression fix: Gold/Shadow/EX effects are now correctly applied in single player modes.
Regression fix: In 2P modes, players can no longer select duplicate color palettes that are assigned to different buttons (ex. Dizzy EX P and #Reload P colors).

Crash fix: Changing the audio device while the game is running no longer crashes the game in a handful of cases.
Crash fix: Network issues, game quits, or opponent disconnects while uploading your ranking no longer causes a crash in some situations.

Build ID: [amended] 8AF9C6F58
Dernière modification de Shini; 13 déc. 2020 à 22h37
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Shini  [dév.] 10 déc. 2020 à 23h43 
Dernière modification de Shini; 10 déc. 2020 à 23h43
Love the new additions!
This is awesome! The love and support is appreciated!!
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