Social Justice Warriors

Social Justice Warriors

Nonadecimal  [developer] 28 Feb, 2015 @ 8:35pm
Pre-Game / Post-Game Discussion
Since there seems to be some confusion, I'd like to point out there are two discussion subforums on Steam. The previously existing "Pre-Game" discussion that is available for all Steam users has been supplemented with a "Post-Game" discussion for people who have played the game to share their observations. Existing discussion threads from before the game's launch still exist in the Pre-Game subforum.

Keep in mind that these are still Steam forums and that Steam's mods delete posts/threads and even ban users when they feel that the Steam rules have been violated. This is not something exclusively controlled by Nonadecimal Creative and is at Steam's discretion. If you'd like to review Steam's rules, you can find them in the sidebar as Discussions Rules and Guidelines.
Last edited by Nonadecimal; 28 Feb, 2015 @ 8:36pm
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question: are you going to credit chris remo for the joke your game is based off of or is he already affiliated somehow because it's pretty lame if this is just cashing in on that joke

i mean not that theres anything anyone can do about it i'm just saying its a pretty gross move considering how little effort went into this product, the joke itself is kind of the reason why the game exists

in fact most of the jokes are just recycled from tweets that im too lazy to find the original of but stuff like "support my patreon!" and "i was only being racist ironically" have become catchphrases for gater/sjw dudes

i'm all for dudes who are trying to push for games as an artform or social commentary or whatever but damn dude you no jason rohrer my ♥♥♥♥♥

Last edited by Cocyx The Gay Skeleton; 1 Mar, 2015 @ 8:45pm
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