Pig Eat Ball

Pig Eat Ball

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~September 29th
-Added more music tracks
-Fixed up the "gold clams" related achievements that were unlocking early.
Последно редактиран от Mommy's Best Games; 9 окт. 2018 в 14:18
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#2 v1.3.4.0
Fixed bugs and improved situations
* Extra world puzzles added in w2-alpha, w3-beta, and w4-beta to add some more antenna and other powerups.
* Changed limit on powerups to hold to 99, so it’s more fun to keep finding them in the overworld puzzles.
* World 5, Ghost dimension time dilation now works properly with game clock.
* Level title fixes for several levels
* King Cake puzzle. W2 Beta puzzle piece has number already existing in Alpha. Correct pieces now added to side quest.
* Add discord button to front, options, and custom levels added graphics.
* Magnet was able to pull balls out of jumping state.
* Keyboard over-world bug. Talk-interact was being triggered by boost key in keyboard mode. Fixed, now uses “close mouth” key.
* Easy mode options improved in General Options menu. Now can set easy mode to "always off".
* Lil Gus: W1 - Gamma. Gives Pearl when completing quest, when he shouldn’t
* Some gates that opened Gold Challenge Clams had incorrect pearl counts and opened too early.
Последно редактиран от Mommy's Best Games; 2 окт. 2018 в 11:38
#3 v1.3.4.4 (date still shows Oct 2, but happened Oct 4)
Fixed lots of Achievement bugs.





* "Houston We Have a Problem" - Launched over 10 pillpugs into space, didn't trigger. Does now.
* “Use powerup” versus “Get powerup”. Was giving this for just getting 1 powerup. Now grants it if you actually use a powerup at the level start.
* “Barf 50 Torches” was not registering with the Steam system. This is for Sushi Gardens butane torches. Registers now.
* "Save the Planet" doesn't track trashed items on Steam. Does now.
* "Boogie Woogie" works better, this is for making them dance with a special Disguise.
* "Clogged" 4 spikeys in a single straw. Kitchen Chaos. Name fixed to register with Steam.
* "Load Out Complete" There are now more powerups and Antenna to support more collectable Powerups. All powerups can now be collected, with up 99 total.
* "Long Shot" Shoot a Pillbug with a dart from really far away. W3, Sports Barena, main hub, the bottom area by the exit to the Tube Station has been straightened up for a long, clean shot.
* "Noodles For Brains" - Didn't trigger upon beating the final boss. Does now.
* Progress bar for "They're Not Toys!" and "They're Collectables!" progress bars were registering too many Disguises. Now only registers per each Disguise properly.
#4 v1.3.5.0
Big things were fixing up the end of the game. Now has it so you can re-fight the final boss, and get back to the Cake Palace to find missing items.

-new final area--can re-fight boss. Can revisit cake palace area with disguises.
-pearl menu cleaned up for cake palace
-pearl menu does not show extra disguises any more.
-gophers don't crash on way into astro farm gamma
-easy mode button is now on/off for ease of use
-shows easy mode in gameplay
-new 'all gold' clam is in tube junction
-frog head disguise moved to tube junction
-wizard hat is now world 5 final disguise
-easy mode now adds hearts properly to boss fights
-super-breakable crates know when to let you barf if you're not fat enough.
-achievement art problems are fixed, some achievements showed incorrect art for their icons.

Special note: Games that were started before this version, and had been played passed world 1, these save files will not properly show the Frog Head Disguise in the Tube Junction, but the it should be fine to get it. It just won't show up nicely on the "items found" section in the pearl menu. If you start a new game, it will show up nicely.
Последно редактиран от Mommy's Best Games; 9 окт. 2018 в 16:42
#5 v1.3.5.1
Tiny fixes.
-Party Hat fixed in world 2
-Wizard Hat art fixed in world 5.
#6 v1.3.5.2
Disguise fixes
-Birthday candle has real suction on boosting.
-Toilet Seat, barf bombs look more barfy.
Can now 'barf bomb' even without balls inside you.
-Stove Pipe Hat and Hard Hat reset better for spike balls and spike walls.
-Farmer Hat can barf spikeys anytime now (balls or no balls).

-Pearl menu and pause menus show pearl counts better, cleaner station-name reporting.
Последно редактиран от Mommy's Best Games; 12 окт. 2018 в 12:21
#7 v1.3.5.3.
tiny menu fixes
-pearl and pause menus got even more tiny tweaks for how they display speciality names like Tube Junction and the Cake Palace.
#8 v1.3.6.0

fixed the annoying
BUG! :)
Should wrap like expected, and should also fix a few spots (w4, clam 10) where text wrapped totally incorrectly and it was hard to read.
-menu fixes for levels that get "hung" and can't be completed.
-overworld hud gives more space to show powerups collected.
Последно редактиран от Mommy's Best Games; 19 окт. 2018 в 14:40
#9 v1.3.6.1
-menu bugs fixed and buttons working better.
-final level/boss bug fixed where if you quit before beating boss, then returned, it loaded the wrong level.
#10 v1.4.1.4
-speed-running levels has been improved. Hundreds have of levels have been rebalanced. Leaderboards have been reset.
-barfing repeatedly on Barf Goblins makes them happy faster and makes them fly away faster.
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