Pig Eat Ball

Pig Eat Ball

Barkaya 2018 年 9 月 27 日 下午 1:35
Improperly awarded achievement
"Gold In Them Thar Clams!" (for earning all gold medals in one world) actually gets triggered upon earning very first gold medal. You maaaay want to change it into achievement for first gold medal while adding proper "all gold in one world" one. Check "Solid Gold!" (all gold medals in the game) for proper trigger too.
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目前顯示第 1-15 則留言,共 37
Mommy's Best Games  [開發人員] 2018 年 9 月 27 日 下午 1:54 
Cool, thanks. Checking...
Barkaya 2018 年 9 月 27 日 下午 2:51 
Just got "Solid Gold!" upon completing a level made in level editor. Something's not right here...
Mommy's Best Games  [開發人員] 2018 年 9 月 27 日 下午 2:59 
Glargggg... promised we tested these!
Musta broke something along the way.
We're on it.
Barkaya 2018 年 9 月 28 日 下午 12:42 
Progress bar for "They're Not Toys!" and "They're Collectables!" incorrectly shows 8/10 and 8/37 respectively even though I only have 5 disguises total. It may be "counting in" doubles laying outside of "disguise showcase" (that one the right of tennis court with pillbugs).
Also I've run into a bug with pearl count. It went like this: I got all pearls and gold medals on all levels in Outer Courts, after storyline-y cutscene went into Tube Junction, unlocked Sushi Gardens, but decided to go back to Outer Courts, watched cutscene of unlocking gates to Golden Clam, traveled to Beta Module, save/quitted here (pearl count was 13/13), gone for short break, after getting back and loading game pearl count showed 14/13 and after moving into Main Hub there was a cutscene of unlocking gates to Golden Clam's special disguise... And I haven't even (just) tried to play any of it's levels yet... Looks like boss pearl gets incorrectly added to total pearl count upon very first save/quitting after boss fight.
Mommy's Best Games  [開發人員] 2018 年 9 月 28 日 下午 12:59 
Looking at these.
Could you email me your save file, before you play more? I may be able to recreate your pearl/clam issue. Not sure, but I'll try.
email to nathan@mommysbestgames.com.
Mommy's Best Games  [開發人員] 2018 年 9 月 29 日 上午 10:44 
Okay, new update is out. This should fix the Achievements unlocking improperly with gold clams.
Also has some new music tracks.
The Disguise achievement issues are being looked at.
Thanks, I got the save file from you.
Barkaya 2018 年 9 月 29 日 下午 12:44 
Minor issue: second level of third clam in Sushi Gardens is called "LEVELTITLEcolorwalls".
Mommy's Best Games  [開發人員] 2018 年 9 月 29 日 下午 9:36 
Good find, thank you.
Barkaya 2018 年 9 月 30 日 下午 12:13 
引用自 Barkaya
Also I've run into a bug with pearl count. It went like this: I got all pearls and gold medals on all levels in Outer Courts, after storyline-y cutscene went into Tube Junction, unlocked Sushi Gardens, but decided to go back to Outer Courts, watched cutscene of unlocking gates to Golden Clam, traveled to Beta Module, save/quitted here (pearl count was 13/13), gone for short break, after getting back and loading game pearl count showed 14/13 and after moving into Main Hub there was a cutscene of unlocking gates to Golden Clam's special disguise... And I haven't even (just) tried to play any of it's levels yet... Looks like boss pearl gets incorrectly added to total pearl count upon very first save/quitting after boss fight.
I've found out that it wasn't been a problem with boss pearl, it's actually supposed to get added to total pearl count upon very first save/quit after boss fight: after battle with Octo Tako and cutscene I've returned to Sushi Gardens - pearl count was been 12/13; I've save/quitted then resumed a game - pearl count showed 13/13 and way to Golden Clam was been opened. Though after beating it (with gold on only one level for now...) and receiving 14th pearl a way to his special dusguise have NOT opened at all...
Anyway, extra pearl in Outer Courts comes from Lil Gus fetch quest: returning him his Teddy Bear unlocks enclosed area with powerup AND gives one pearl. You should delete it to get a pearl counter back on proper track.
Mommy's Best Games  [開發人員] 2018 年 9 月 30 日 下午 2:48 
Aha! So at one point during development, completing side quests from NPCs was going to grant extra pearls. All that code is working and unforutnately...looks like it's still in there for poor Lil Gus! Good find! I'm working up a new update for early this week so this fix should be in there too.
Barkaya 2018 年 10 月 1 日 下午 12:06 
Another minor one: after completing Scat's fetch quest and exiting/re-entering Beta Module (where he is located) his Music Notes disappear from... "black silhouette" (where they get stacked during quest) and return to their original positions.
BTW, can you give a slight hint: are all of the King Cake portrait puzzle pieces located in Sushi Gardens Modules only? Can't seem to find left one from middle row of pieces and middle one from lower row, hopefully they haven't got bugged into scenery or something...
Mommy's Best Games  [開發人員] 2018 年 10 月 1 日 下午 1:31 
The Scat's music note bug is on our list aready, thanks though for verifying it.

Okay, the King Cake portrait bug is new. We had that one working, but I think I know what the bug is. Basically each piece has a number. From what I can tell the numbers in the other modules got set to the wrong thing and it thinks you already have them. In any case, I'll try to get that one fixed in the next update. Thanks.
Barkaya 2018 年 10 月 2 日 上午 11:15 
Very annoying bug: sometimes message "Easy mode is active" appears after level completion despite me not even touching "Easy mode" button at start of a level. Usually it doesn't pop again after just one level restart, but this message (and it's block of gold medals) actually may get "stuck", i.e. re-appear on every level completion until quitting and re-interacting with a clam again. Powerups randomly get switched on too without any actions from my side, but at least it's actually visible and switchable to "No powerup" state.
Mommy's Best Games  [開發人員] 2018 年 10 月 2 日 上午 11:47 
Okay, new update! Many things fixed that you've found--not everything, but many things. The full list is in the "change log" post.
But I'll detail the things that you've mentioned.
1. gold clams Achievement bug was fixed with the update #1.
2. Lil Gus/Too Many Pearls/Doors unlocking early/Gold Clams unlocking early--these should all be fixed.
3. Easy mode too easy to activate: here is the current fix as I try other things. But I've added a new "general options->Easy mode" option. Go into there, and you can simply turn off easy mode all together. I've had others ask for the same thing as they don't like easy mode either, and I understand.
4. Level titles fixed.
5. King Cake portrait puzzle is fixed up for W2. So you know, there are now 7 pieces in Alpha, 1 in Beta, and 1 in Main Hub.

Still working on the Achievement bugs.
If anything in this list is *not* actually fixed (though I tested it, so it *should* be) in version, please let me know. Thank you!
Barkaya 2018 年 10 月 2 日 下午 1:41 
The only thing that seems to be not fixed is Lil Gus pearl not being deleted from total pearl count: Outer Courts counter still shows 14/13 (I still haven't completed Golden Clam here, otherwise it would have been 15/13).
About achievement bugs: for some reason I can't unlock "Houston We Have A Problem" even though a number of people (as I see in global stats) have unlocked it "naturally" around or after beating second boss. Unless it requires method of launching pillbugs into space other than ramming/throwing heavy objects at them while they stand near/walk along the walls then I don't know why this achievement have glitched on me.
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